1st Job: Buy My Own Car or Keep My Parent's Car


I have just finished my Bachelor's and moving interstate to start my first job. I really want to buy a car now but the bank will not give me a loan. My parents are insisting that I keep their spare 4wd until I buy my own car in one year time. My parents gave this to me in last year of uni to use like my own car which was very nice and lovely of them.

My plan is to get a loan in 3 months and buy a car of around 15k. My parents really want me to take their 4wd for atleast 1 year with me and then buy a car from my savings.

Being a 22 year old guy I am a very much into sedan type of car. If I don't take their 4wd with me, I will have to use bus everywhere for atleast 2/3 months until I get a loan and saving for my car. I don't want my parents to feel bad that I am not respecting them. At the same time, 4wd is not really what young people drive and I feel embarrassed driving it.

Please give suggestions:

  • Take the car with me
  • Don't take the car and buy my own car in 3 months


closed Comments

  • No way will you get an Evo 10 for that sort of cash.

    Any Evo in that price range will be a liability.

    High insurance costs, high mileage and very unreliable.

    Maybe a bog standard lancer at that price, but why bother?

  • +4

    Take the Car, Mazda Tribute is a nice car with a lot of space which will come in handy.
    You also mentioned it has been reliable so it's a no brainer.
    Put the 15K towards something more useful and dont forget to show your appreciation to your parents.
    Dont be embarassed, if your friend dont want to be your friend anymore because of your car, then they're not a good friend, find new ones.

  • +1

    mazda is wiser choice.

  • +1

    Habibi stay with the car. Save up a little then you can buy what you want. No ones going to judge you. You shouldnt judge you. And if you meet resistance about what you drive; give them a prompt middle finger

  • +1

    Wait for a year it will fly by, you might even have more money for a better car bu then too! I drove my dads hand me down for almost 6 years! Just bought myself a car the other month and god it feels goood! Such a upgrade

  • You need to address those feelings where you're embarrassed about what car you drive. I am into cars. Got a 1968 valiant AP6 I've fully restored. Got a Forester turbo and I still use a hairdresser car as a daily driver. It's so hairdresser I get blokes leering into my window watching their face turn to disappointment when they don't see some honey driving…

    Take your parents car. Don't buy a new car you don't need. It sucks earmarking future earnings you haven't made yet.

  • +3

    so many people said it already.. take parents car for as 12 months and then plan to buy.. save some money.. and if you really don't feel like taking their car for free , the gift them something good every now and them.. cash or card..
    Give them your first salary and you cant even imagine how happy it will make them…

    stop virtually planning spend the money they you have not even earned yet… dont think of loans so soon mate…

  • +1

    I am very much on the same level as 'take your parents' car'. As others have stated, there is absolutely no shame in driving a Mazda Tribute, it's actually a pretty good car, even if a little older now, they're not seen as a 'poor person's car' in anyway. And driving a 4wd will actually help to make you look a bit more mature too as the car is seen to be more utilitarian than just a run about while not looking utilitarian.

    Also, if given the option, try to avoid getting a loan for a car, you'll always end up paying more and in the end, the car will be worth less, depreciating asset and all that.

  • +1

    Would say, keep your parent's car for a year and put some money aside.
    You can always go by public transport if you don't feel like driving it.
    But it's always nice to have an option (in case of bad weather or quick trip to the shops).

    If after a year you are still thinking about the car you want, then by all means, go for it.

  • +1

    Your parents sound very sensible and considerate. I'd accept their offer, save like blazes, return their car in a year and then buy a sedan using your savings and a smaller loan. Good on your parents for being so supportive and understanding. (PS It is NOT your father writing this!!!😂)

  • +1

    Such a sad 1st world problem! In another time, young guys had to work for 2 or 3 years without a car to save enough to buy a bomb. Then another 2 or 3 to get a better 2nd hand one, and so on.
    Don't fall into the credit trap of putting everything on HP (or "loan" if that's your language)
    Embarrassed about driving a 4 wheel drive? Toughen up! Its F R E E !
    Do your maths find out how much you will save by banking the repayments for a newer car while driving driving "the hulk" for 2 years.
    If that doesn't convince you to keep driving the 4WD, what are you doing being on OzBargain?

  • +1

    Ill just add that my parents gave me their 96 Ford festiva when i was 18. I was very lucky they did this as they happened to be buying a new car at the time and they wouldnt have got much selling this one.

    Now at 18years old i can tell you that initially i felt more embarrassed than you did driving around in what is subjectively seen as a "girl" car. However i quickly got over it, and 8 years later i am still driving it. (I am definitely not a small guy, 26years old and rock a full beard)
    Sure it is old and sure i also picked up a motorbike at about 20years old but i still drive the car around plenty.
    The fact is that it was very well looked after. It now has over 300,000km on it and is more than 20 years old yet still it runs fine.

    The only possible reason i would upgrade is to get a car with AC. But since i have my bike as well i probably wont bother until the car dies.

    • +1

      As soon as you said you were not a small guy my mind immediately went to this

      AC is a huuuuuge improvement, especially seeing as the old cars don't have electric windows

      • +1

        Pretty much me :P
        I drive with the seat all the way back and my head brushes the roof

  • +1

    Use your parents car! Save the $$, get a house. A new car / used car loses it's appeal in a few days.

  • That is not the greatest 4WD in the world, that is just a Tribute. Couldn't remember the greatest 4WD in the world, no no, that is a Tribute.

  • +1

    OP I think the most valuable thing you should take away from this thread is not whether or not you should keep your parents' car/buy a new car but to not care so much what other people think. There is no reason you should ever feel embarrassed for driving any particular car.

    It is not an easy thing to do to change your mindset and everybody cares to some extent what other people think of them (whether they admit it or not). However, I can tell you from experience, the less you care about what others think of you the happier you will be in life. You will be able to do things you want and buy/wear things you genuinely like rather than trying to do what you think will make people like you.

    • +1

      Also, most people wouldn't care less, or be impressed by what you drive

      the ones who judge you by what you have, you should stay as far away from them as possible

      • Good advice, but you can't put an old head on young shoulders.

        • +1

          Yes I have an old head on old shoulders.

  • Errr you are not an OzBargainer! Free car you dingbat! Who cares what your friends think or how you look driving it. Otherwise, enjoy your loan repayments, insuarnace and registration costs.

  • +1

    If you're really keen on a sedan, get a 5k camry, corolla, pulsar, or civic.

    Best 5k vehicle you will ever buy.

  • +1

    Its not like the lancer is amazingly better looking, its pretty dull.

    Go to an auction, get some right bargains.

    Keep the 4wd - impress the clever girls with you frugality.

  • -1

    Is this another Troll??!

  • -1

    How is this even a question worth posting?

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