This thread is a about a friend of mine and the problems he is having in his life at the moment.
He's has been through some heavy shit over the past years. Witnessing somebody being killed which was fairly recent, huge amount of domestic violence over probably 10 years and psychological abuse (gaslighting etc) - the list can go on. He is 25 and has never held a job longer than a few months due to the reasons previously listed. It's hard for him to work around others, most of the jobs have been dish pigs and mindless stuff like that to try and build skills to get back into society but failing to advance.
He's been on newstart for about 2 years and until about a month ago has had his payments suspended and is struggling to keep the wolves at bay (he is living in a caravan at my place - i do charge him $50 a week for rent) but he receives about $400~? a fortnight which just covers his food/bills/travel expenses to doctor appointments etc. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs and has zero social life (obviously). He had been seeing a psychologist for the past 6 months but I personally think it was making the problem worse, some of the things he has told me in his previous "life" are terrible and bringing them up each week was not doing him any good. The drugs she was feeding him were turning him into a emotionless blob of human skin. These were not helping with his severe anxiety and depression but I am no professional. I recommended to see a psychiatrist as they are more suited to what he has got. The few tests his GP has done it's pointing towards bipolar disorder as his father was in "ward 9" for 2 years including having schizophrenia. There's been suicide attempts, none of that cutting of the wrist crap, actual near death stuff.
Okay enough of that… getting to the point. According to Centrelink and his job service provider (matchworks) he is fit to work, despite actual medical evidence and professionals saying otherwise. They rejected his application for DSP on grounds they think he can work 12 hours per week.
How does a person in this position live life? or should he just jump off a bridge and save the tax payer money?
This is really tough. I have no value-add except that, if he has any debts etc, he should speak with the respesctive banks, to see if there is anything they can do to help.