This was posted 8 years 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W: Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - $69

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Big W will have Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4 for $69 at launch.

All of their Nintendo Switch bundles and launch prices are here too.…

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Was hoping for a Horizon + Ps4 Pro bundle. Seems like this game takes advantage of the upgraded hardware.

    • +3

      Sony bundling it with the Slim sadly :(

      • Are we getting the bundle here is Aus?

      • +9

        I read that as 'bundling it with the Slim Shady'
        Was like… whaaat?

        • +3

          Please stand up

        • i would buy it if it comes with slim shady =D

  • +3

    Nice! was hoping this game would be around this price at launch. Reviews seem positive.

  • +4

    This is the news ive been waiting to hear. Big W come in with the price clutch time and time again

    • -1

      Hey you, we havn't seen Target's price yet :x

      • +1


        • I will continue to believe :(

          I remember the last guardian being expensive but then they pulled out the $39 stunt a few weeks later, they were also the cheapest for yakuza 0 on release day for $59, just gonna hold out for now, game will only get cheaper and better with patches.

        • -1

          @Zeral: This looks to be a much better game though and hopefully wont run like absolute garbage (way under 30 fps on standard ps4) like the last guardian did.

        • @Zeral: Believe what? It's $79 in Target's catalogue.

        • @Axelstrife:
          Ya but they might have to lower it anyway because no one is buying their stock cause of all the price matching from other stores.
          If they dont have the best prices, no one would buy from them.

        • @Zeral: doubt it.

  • +1

    Awesome. I had it pre-ordered but just cancelled and saving a cool $30. Nice one OP!

    • +18

      Why does anyone pre order any more? What's the point?

      • -1

        Guarentee that it wont sell out and u get your copy reserved.

        • +7

          Been buying games for 20 years. Never had any sell out, other than rare collector's editions.

          Preordering a standard copy is pointless.

        • @cnut: not really. Preordering means you have a copy reserved already…you price match on the day of pickup and for games like NBA 2K, you can get a premium (but still shit) trade-in a couple days before the new one is released.

        • @cnut:

          Guess you didnt buy Noih. Its a great game and it sold out.

          This proves you should preorder if you wana play something day 1

        • +1

          @suicine94: er… digital copies are unlimited. If I wanted to play a game so bad and it was sold out in stores I'd just buy it on the psstore

        • @Originality: would you be happy paying the extra price on psn as opposed to store prices?

        • @RAM010: Thats part of the risk with not pre-ordering. If the game turns out to be good I'll pay the premium for the psn price if the games out of stock in stores.

      • I was just keen for the game and was sitting in front of the psn store… you know how it is.

        But if I buy it cheaper on disc and don't like it, I have the option of selling it later, prb decreasing my cost to $40 in total.

        But yeah, prb shouldn't have preordered. Don't do it very often but this definitely looks like my kind of game.

    • +1

      You can price match at JB or EB and get pre order bonuses

      • not always
        Blacktown EB removes pre oroder bonuses if you price match

        • Well that store is not doing their job right. If their 'standard' copy included a slick of DLC and they remove it because you price match, that's low..

        • -6

          @ThePriceMatchGuy: I don't get this. Pre-Order bonus is for pre-ordering at pre-ordering price so EB and developers can get cash early. If you price match with the release product, that is not the same deal abd therefore Pre-Order bonuses should go.

        • +1

          @FabMan: Incorrect. Pre-Order bonuses that of EB Games are an incentive for you to pre-order the game with them, not necessarily at that price though. For example I've pre-ordered and paid off Horizon Zero Dawn at EB Games to the tune of $69, I'm still receiving my pre-order bonuses.

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: Well that seems rather a good deal then.

        • @FabMan: You can always pre-order a game by putting a deposit, and then price match on the release date. In that case, developers can still get cash (deposit) early assuming your theory is correct.

  • +1

    Why can't eb or jb just release games at these prices.

    • +1

      Because they know the majority are happy to pay the full price anyways?

      • +2

        They just haven't been told about ozbargain ;)

    • +1

      Because they're fighting a war with the aim of taking your cash.

    • JB does $69 too. Depends on the game.

  • Good price! Can't wait till release.

  • +1

    Great price!!

  • I have a preorder at JB (I rarely preorder these days…), I'll get them to pricematch. :)
    Thanks OP.

    • Do you need a catalog to get a price match at JB, or will they just ring the closest store? This is my first preorder in years, will just cancel it otherwise and buy from Big W if there's any issues.

      • They've always accepted the online BigW listings when I go to pricematch. So I just bring it up on my phone before I'm at the counter and show it to them.

        • Excellent, cheers.

      • +1

        I find JB are much friendly than EB.
        Most of the time they just agree what you said and price match. Whereas EB they check if Big W has in stock, call to check the price and if BigW are within range..

  • It is about time that Resident Evil game go down to $69. Let see who will make the first move, maybe Target ?

  • +5

    They have a pretty good Xbox One S with 7 games, including halo wars 2 for $399…

  • From reviews looks like it will be a great game, but don't think ill get a chance to play it with Zelda coming so soon. Will probably wait till mid year to pick it up.

    • +5

      Show us the cherry-picked vid/s. Then we can shower you with links where people have the utmost praise for the game.

      Edit: And for what it's worth I'm not one of the people that's negged you.

      • -6

        It wasn't cherry picked, i think it will be a good game, but given the nature of the developer (Guerilla Games), and its similarities to other open world games, plus the issues (i saw the video: it showed guards getting shot, not noticing the player and not reacting) I thought it was relevant to point out.

        I also think given that, its fair to consider waiting for a price drop and potential patches.

        Keep in mind alot of review sites and aggregates are basically marketing houses for some of the bigger game companies. A bunch of writers actually work with some of these companies directly. They either do that, or clickbait to try and turn a game into a controversy with negative reviews..

        Killzone, a Guerilla games made series, was meh, but it was branded by critics as the "Halo Killer"… Fast forward, most of their games are considered mediocre by those that played them, most gamers acknowledge reviews were basically shallow marketing for the games, just a heads up.

        • +2

          Since Halo 3, Halo has killed itself.

        • +3

          It seems very cherry picked to me. You're wilfully ignoring the large amount of positive buzz for the game whilst focusing only on a few (apparent) negatives, justifying it with something resembling a conspiracy theory.

          As for the Killzone series Killzone 2 was one of the highest rated FPS games of the last gen, and that was not because it was 'meh'. As for the original Killzone and the whole 'Halo Killer' tagline, that was one or two media outlets who ran with that before release. It was then picked up by gamers and took on a life of it's own. When it came to the actual reviews reviewers may have used it as clickbait, but nothing more since it didn't review anywhere near well enough for people to use it seriously.
          And fair enough too, the first Killzone was very mediocre.

        • -2


          I disagree, thats more of a fanboy / console war narrative thing. They've had alot of great games since, and many would argue Halo 4 and 5 excel in specific areas. Halo 5 was the victim of fake news clickbait reviews to bring it down for console war clickbait (its campaign specifically).

          But yeah if you went off the series after 3, thats a shame. Halo has alot more competition now, so it gets alot of hate in the modern era, which is sad given its influence, though apparently Halo 5 has done quite well.

          Master Chief Collection debacle didn't help given some areas and rewards were not registered, hurt the brand for a couple of years. Smh.

        • -8


          Exactly, and people hated the Killzones, 2 included…

          Were reviews for GTA 4 or 5 accurate? Titanfall 1? Rachet and Clank? Witcher 3? Or With Watchdogs 1? Or Ubisoft and Activision games? (i actually liked Watchdogs a bit)…
          Or how critics went easy on No Mans Sky, Street Fighter V, and other titles?

          They certainly weren't all on Teraway, Gravity Rush 1&2's level! …

          Like i said they work like marketing firms for specific companies, didn't say it would be bad by the way, just not great as their making it out to be.

          Im sure its a Zelda Killer because marketing and influencers say so though.

        • +3

          @BNN: >Halo 5 was the victim of fake news clickbait reviews

          Nuh, no conspiracies here!

        • +3

          @BNN: Maybe you're craziness is because you haven't worked out that everyone doesn't have the same opinion as you and that's why you think there's a massive conspiracy!

        • -7

          Calm down, no need for the salt. Video games are just entertainment. No need for the anger. Just giving an honest take. Relax.

        • +2

          @BNN: You didn't say smh again… :)

          You have a super patronising tone. It shouldn't shock you that people are negging you. Let them buy the game they want at a cheap price. you don't need to come in with a bucket of cold water over everybody. Like you said, games are just entertainment. It's not your honest take though, it's your opinion, based on youtube videos. Pretty worthless really. We'll all know the truth in 2 weeks when we've played the game.

        • @Sxio:
          I've interacted with BNN before. They aggressively state their opinions, with some name calling like 'angry gamers' or 'internet nerds', then tell you to 'calm down bro video games are just for fun no need to get angry' when you respond.

          Actually looking at all their previous comments, they follow the same pattern. They're probably just trolling.

        • -1


          Nope, not at all. I just dislike the stereotypical gamer attitudes on the internet sometimes, perhaps the tone doesnt come across to those reading because they read with emotion. Its a hobby meant for fun and escapism, buts its clear gamers that identify take it a bit too seriously.
          Funny how when its a game on a specific platform or a system, questioning a price is a no go, but the fans of said platform will do the same quite openly when they have no interest in other platforms, or the games on them which they have little knowledge of. As long as a review justifies what they already believed, they are happy. Makes you think, not surprised by the reaction.

          I said it could be a good game, and i believe it will be, and i have interest in it. Just not worth the price given issues and its similar content to other open world games. I have more knowledge of multiple platforms then most would, and most that comment too, i know BS from PR and take "reviews" with a grain of salt. There were youtube videos with actual gameplay that showed issues, i saw them!

          I wont comment as much, given people get too mad over video games, but i am not suprised at the attitudes, and people needing to justify reviews because they want to like a game or a platform (especially in the fake news era and console war mudslinging which writers of clickbait publications use to fuel the flames and promote products). Which gamers then feel justified in taking part in, a hobby which is primarily designed for children, there is irony in that.

          Just trying to be honest. People love to comment on every game on a bargain site, ones they have no interest in, and if doesnt fit with their ideology of what gaming or a game is to them as a "hardcore gamer" dude, they then have a problem with it. There are games that are overrated and underrated sometimes.

          You don't see that stuff with movie fans much.

    • +1

      it sounds like you've played the game already…oh wait

  • +1

    Talks of game of the year on this one and its only Feb. Hold me, meh backlog will tumble and crush me any moment!

  • +3

    Good price on release. Will be playing after Zelda, Nier and Persona 5…so probably August haha. What a great game for games this year is turning out to be

    • exact same situation as you haha, March April is going to be intense

    • and Mass Effect too… who has the time to play all these massive games?

    • +2

      Nioh is my current addiction. Just picked up Yakuza 0 yesterday though and now Horizon is next on the list. Sony are killing it with the exclusives.

  • +6

    How the heck does ebgames still stay in business? Is the supply of uneducated bogans that shop there neverending?

    • +2

      Upselling to clueless parents and young kids works wonders. That and pushing pre-owned on people so they can get 90% mark-up instead of 0-20% on brand new.

      • +2

        Unfortunately this.

        My work colleague doesn't know about pricematch and alway saying how expensive it is at EB. I advised them to just price match or buy from jb..
        However they still buy at EB.

    • +1

      uneducated bogans are a self increasing resource… haven't you seen Idiocracy?

  • +22

    I won't be price matching with EB the rip off artists.. show some loyalty to the store that actually priced it nicely. EB would be charging you $129,95 if they had no competition and could get away with it.

  • +1

    jumped onto OzB literally just to check if there was a deal up for this! op delivers

  • +2

    Really curious… haven't bought PS4 games on launch before but… isn't $69 RRP?

      • +1

        hahaha oh yeah… ebgames….

    • +3

      $69 isn't RRP, but it is a fairly common launch price at Target and/or Big W for the first week of release. It's a loss leader though, so it does go back up in price after the sale.

      Full RRP for a new PS4 game is between $79-$99.95, depending on where you go.

      Prices after release have been falling pretty quickly lately though, lots of competition and new games in the pipeline.

      • Speaking of falling prices final fantasy xv is $57 at eb games now and that only came out in November. Being a single player only title horizon may have a similar price drop.

  • +1

    Will there be DLC for this game?

    Wondering if I should just wait a year for Game of Edition version?

    • +1

      As far as I know, there's been no word on DLC. There isn't a season pass at this stage (or deluxe edition containing anything more than cosmetic pre-order DLC), and there haven't been any announcements on the matter.

      I'd have to assume there will be some kind of expansions for the game, DLC has become a pretty important way for publishers to get a return on investment.

  • +1

    I have price protection on my 28 Degrees card now, so I'm actually trying to work out which retailer will have the best sale price on this game in the next 6 months.

  • Same price as digitally from USA PSN

    • +2

      no it isn't actually… game is listed at $59.99US… that is approx $79AUD…

  • Why doesnt bigw list this as a current catalog on their website?

    • It's in their next catalogue that doesn't start until Thursday. Price on release may be the full 80 then down to 69 on Thursday.

    • The Big W website is now listing the $69 sale price in case you (or others) need a reference for a price match.

  • right now on the BigW website the price is $80+

    will they lower the price on the release day or do you need the physical catalog in order to do the price match?

  • Ended up buying it digitally off the PSN store, cause digital games are much more convenient. Thanks for the deal regardless OP! I wouldn't have seen it was $79 on the PSN store if it weren't for this post.

  • Spittin' chips that this and Zelda came out first week back at uni… Holidays were sooo long.

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