Hello lads. Hoping someone will help find a bargain on an isofix car seat for me. Unsure about price but must be 0-4yrs and good quality. Im assuming britax is best brand?
Car seat needed, isofix type

I couldn't be happier with my Britax Safe and Sound Millenia SICT, very comfortable and easy to adjust. Almost universally good reviews for it out there. Easy ISOFIX installation into my Golf and Mazda 3
i had the old verison of the Britax Safe and Sound Millenia
was great too, easy to adjusti recommend you head over to baby bunting/kingdom and have a look at some, then ask to bring it into ur car, with it rear facing, it can get out big, so depending on your car it might limit which model you can buy
one bad thing about Britax Safe and Sound is their paddding material is quite thick and warm, great for winter but sometimes a bit hot in sumer, maxi cosi euro(the model i prolly will get but had certifcations issues last time) is more bamboo like and breathable
If you are after the REAL ISOFIX, try to find the SnS trufix car seat. It was the only one with a rigid isofix connector. All the others I see are fixed with a isoflex connector
What do they use in Europe/America then? Is REAL isofix better than the isoflex?
Europe and the US has the rigid isofix and no top tether. The top tether prevents us from importing the seats from overseas. The same seats are much cheaper in the US compared to here.
Pretty short of choice in oz. Even the maxi cosi is a isoflex cable.
In europe and the uk the isofix is solid and they have no requirement to use the top tether
I actually didn't like the Britax ones, found they felt hard. I ended up going with the safety1st. It's great.
With car seats, I didn't bother trying to find a bargain just a reasonable price. I'll be using it for a couple of years and you can't put a price on your kids safety.