All drinks $5 at Boost when you order via app
Valid on app orders on 21/2/17 only. Not valid with any other offer.
All drinks $5 at Boost when you order via app
Valid on app orders on 21/2/17 only. Not valid with any other offer.
Right on! Heaven knows why they are so popular. Kids will pay anything for heavily marketed products.
okay they are healthy but way too expensive. cant imagine spending $8-9 (for the black label i think?) juice! unless they can make me instant boost like popeye + spinach
healthy? I don't think so.
Pretty sure it has the same or more sugar than coke
Same price for a full meal.
Yeah, I was thinking "You mean it's usually MORE than five dollars!?"
Reviews of the app don't sound like it will be successful.
Ugh too cold for a Boost down here in Melbourne :( this summer has been crap..
Lol Melbourne should forget about what season it is and just take each day on a case by case basis
Still no Boost in North Sydney!
really? you should get the franchise then! they are one of the franchise business that still packed and can make money (my opinion) especially in north sydney area
Visit the western suburbs brah, I recently got my hectic wrx upgraded and the fully sikkk boost drops panties everywhere cuz
Great deal but sheesh the amount of sugar!
H20 - All Drinks Free When You Order Via TAp- Every Day
Totally unhealthy drinks the amount of sugar contained is much to high
I can't believe that some of you guys think this stuff is classified as "HEALTHY" because it is not
Boost Juice’s ‘Brekkie to Go-Go Super smoothie’ contains 2560kj, 500kj more than a Big Mac (2060kj) and 18 teaspoons of sugar.
As with everything, you have to pick out and do some research. You can obviously find some items at Boost Juice that are quite unhealthy, and similarly, you can find items at Maccas that are very healthy.
I find Boost Juice has some great options for healthy and filling smoothies myself. Mainly the protein-smoothies which are useful when I'm travelling and don't have easy access to protein-based meals nor time (I'm a heavy gym-goer so like to get a protein fix, but also tend to end up in all-day workshop/meetings so don't have time to really eat/get out easily).
Why do people use 'teaspoons' of sugar? That just complicates things. The average person should have 25 grams of sugar a day, so just stick to grams.
1 teaspoon of sugar equals 4 grams
1 Boost juice Brekkie to Go-Go equals 72 grams of sugar
Prices on these drinks keep going up. They don't bother listing the prices on the board anymore, which is a bit sneaky when you have already made the order. I think I will stop buying these drinks when they go above $9.
Your username really contradicts you buying these overpriced drinks
I'm broke because I keep buying these overprice drinks. Not a smart broke guy.
to be a real deal bargain juice it should be $3 or 3.50 not $5