Looking for nice LCD or Plasma TV for around $700

Just when I've finally decided I want to buy a big flat screen TV, all of the bargains seem to have disappeared!!

I'm after a nice big TV - ideally bigger than 36, and ideally no more than $700. However, I'm willing to pay extra if the additional features can be justified. I'm not much of a techie, but would be using it to play games, watch TV, etc.

Any good deals to be found in Melbourne?


  • You can save yourself a bundle by going for HD rather than FullHD, especially if you're only looking at a smallish screen size anyway, you will barely (if at all) notice the difference.

  • 36" is smallish? I must be getting old - when did that happen!

    You're right though, probably don't need full HD… but it would be nice!

    • +1

      36" became smallish a bit before 40" became smallish…
      42" would be a standard size (if not 46") with 50" becoming more and more of a "normal" size

      FullHD on a 36" is pretty much a waste unless you have a small room and have to sit close to the screen. Your eye physically can't differentiate the pixels on a 36" 720p set from a 1080p set at a "normal" viewing distance of around 3 metres (unless you have exceedingly good vision).
      There's a table here that shows the maths based on someone with 20/20 vision (you can get better than 20/20) and their resolving power vs distance.

      • Brand name LCDs over 32" that are HD only are hard to find these days. Sony are exclusively Full HD, Panasonic HDs stop at 32", Samsung HDs also stop at 32" and LG HDs I'm pretty sure stop at 32" - and those are the Big 4 TV manufacturers. Only HDs above 32" from those manufacturers are their 42" and 50" plasmas (Pana - X20, Samsung - C451, LG - PJ350 and PJ650).

  • Look for the LG 42PJ350 - 42" HD plasma. RRP $849, so should be able to get it down to around $700ish fairly easily ($700 is around 15-20% discount). Although it's picture quality is quite shite.
    The Panasonic THP42X20 is pretty good, but bit more expensive than the LG.

    If you want LCD, look at the Samsung LA40C550 40" Full HD LCD. You'll be looking at around $200+ over your budget though - depending on how hard you haggle.
    There is also the Samsung LA37C550 - same thing, but 37". $100 difference from the 40" at RRP level.
    But then again, the 50" HD plasmas are around this price too.

  • Oh, one other thing, if you have a room with windows that cast reflections on your TV from your seating position or planned seating position) and intend on keeping the windows open during daylight and watching TV in Daylight, LCD screens (with Matte screens) are much better at reducing reflective glare than shiny Plasmas.

  • Great advice guys - thanks. I'm not great at haggling - any key phrases I should be using to get the price down?

    • shortlist a few models and brands , look up prices for them, do some research. when you go down, you can start bargaining :)

  • a sale is better than no sale…

  • I got my 32" Toshiba Full HD LCD from the Good Guys last week for $615.

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