Looking for a new desktop computer (i5 or better)

Looking for a branded desktop (Lenovo, Dell, HP etc) with the following spec:
CPU: i5-6400 or better
RAM: 8GB (preferably 16GB)
Storage: 128GB SSD or more (preferably with an additional 1TB HDD)
Video card: not critical but definitely nice to have

Key is that the desktop is reliable can support 2 monitors.

Keen to keep the costs under $1000 and would rather not build the desktop myself.

Anyone aware of any good deals out there???

I did see the M73 deal from Lenovo for $499 but this is not for me.


  • +3

    Curious why you would want a branded computer? You pay more, get less, limited customization & receive a computer full of bloatware.

  • would rather not build the desktop myself.

    MSY will charge a labour fee of around $80~100 to build a desktop, as well most other PC shops.

    If you're too lazy to build a desktop, or have limited time on your hands, then I suppose paying the labour fee might not sound too crazy.

  • +1

    I always used to build them for for myself and friends. I'd rather just pay the labour fee now and not bother with having to troubleshoot/return potentially faulty components. I'd rather use the time building/troubleshooting doing something I enjoy.

  • Thanks for your feedback.

    Generally speaking I don't find that I save that much when I build the PC myself especially when the deals for the pre-built computers are available.

    There have been some pretty good deals around especially for the Lenovo laptops (E450) but I haven't come across any particularly good deals for desktops apart for the M73 deal for $499. Just thought that the Ozbarginers out there are not as interested in desktops and therefore have not been posting the deals. So just reaching out in case someone is aware of them.

    • People generally build their own desktops when they have a specific need to fill… like, looking for the best gaming experience for a certain budget.

      It also makes sense to do a self-build when you already own some of the parts from a previous purchase or rig. and you wish to recycle your power supply, case, hard drives or other tinkertoys. In this case, you are saving money and also saving the environment by not having to unnecessarily toss out stuff that's still usable.

      Anyway part of the reason I self build is because I have a frankenstein PC with parts of varying ages. My case has lasted three builds, my power supply is fairly new, my hard drives are from 4 to 5 years ago, my GPU is 6 months old etc.

      • Hi all

        I completely agree with all the comments.

        Was just hope to find a deal on a pre-built desktop somewhere. But will consider a self build if I don't find anything suitable in the next 2 weeks.

        Unfortunately I don't have many parts from a previous computer worth recycling.

  • If you don't play games then buying a video card is probably pointless because the CPU video card is fine.

    • CPU video card? Integrated Graphics you mean ;)

  • +1

    The branded stuff I've noticed generally have a shorter life-span, parts aren't as customizable and looks plain stupid. At less than $1000, you can build yourself a nice i5 + 1060 GTX.

    • Exactly this^.

      Building a pc is always better. If you dont have the time, as a previous commenter said, take it to Msy for e.g and have them build it for you. Still cheaper than prebuilt and it wont have silly bloatware or generic/OEM parts (PSU,Motherboard for e.g).

  • Hi all

    I found a HP desktop with the following specs for around $710.00

    CPU: i5-6400
    RAM: 8GB DDR4
    Storage: 128GB SSD
    Video card: N/A

    What does everyone think?

    Are there any better deals out there?

    • Could have a look at Pccg builds

      All covered by 2 year rtb warranty

      Hp Pavilions are crappy, as is most of their consumer grade stuff. Don't buy a HP unless it is a business grade machine.

      • Thanks - will look at PCCG builds.

        The HP I am looking at is their business grade HP 280 G2 series. Looks pretty decent and is cover by 3 year warranty. Normal price is around $900 but can get for $710 at the moment.

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