50% reduction on the firebox BBQ pizza oven.
$74 now from $149.
Big W Tuggeranong Canberra all stores + online.
50% reduction on the firebox BBQ pizza oven.
$74 now from $149.
Big W Tuggeranong Canberra all stores + online.
When you move from Canberra to Tuggeranong, you increase the IQ of both areas.
Say what you like about Canberra, but Fyshwick has the best porn stores.
Have you heard of this thing called the internet?
You youngins with your digital stuff, sometimes bricks and mortar is the only way to go.
I like to feel, experience and spend time with my sex toys and porn wares before I make a commitment.
@Scab: you're not supposed to try before you buy those items you know.. it's not exactly life buying clothes or shoes
And also put the price in the title
looks like mini pizza
That's 15 pepperoni pizzas from dominos
15 less quality pizzas though
Depends on who makes the pizza.
Been eyeing these off for a price reduction w00t, thanks OP.
Are they any good?
Yeah anyone got one and had a go?
I wonder if this will make them taste any better than in an oven.
If your grill puts out enough BTUs then this thing will probably get hotter than most domestic ovens. "Authentic" neapolitan uses a very wet dough, is baked in a 400 degree oven, and should be completely cooked in 90 seconds. The closer you get to those conditions the better your pizza will taste. I think that's what this device is trying to achieve.. no idea if it works or not.
no not really, doesnt quite grill the top good enough to my liking. just put your pizza on a baking stone and chuck it in the oven for better results.
mmmmmm pizza
couldn't you just chuck a pizza stone on the barbie and put the hood down?
Don't forget to cost in the increased insurance premiums if you inform your insurer you plan to park your vehicle in Tuggeranong