Wed 15/2/17 from 1PM-5PM while stocks last!
Not applicable in store.
1 per customer.
Combo deal includes:
- Hermes E1 Mechanical Keyboard (Blue switches)
- Demeter E2 Optical Gaming Mouse
- NYX E1 Mousepad
Link to product page: here
Wed 15/2/17 from 1PM-5PM while stocks last!
Not applicable in store.
1 per customer.
Combo deal includes:
Link to product page: here
It's not free shipping right now.
I am getting a shipping fee when trying to process.
I was charged a shipping fee also.
Hope they correct it reasonably quickly.
Since when has MSY's website looked like that?
I'm actually kind of nervous about making an account with them and giving them all my details … knowing how secure their website was 10 yrs ago …
Don't worry, you can always send money to my uncle in Nigeria. He's got perfect looking website.
I'm actually kind of nervous about making an account with them and giving them all my details
You're right, it's definitely dodgy. Better not make an order.
(one less person to compete against! :)
lol I'll pay the Nigerian uncle above to make multiple orders for me!
Anyone know how long delivery will take? Cheers
Hope there is enough QTY this time… Those wide screens before ran out oo quick
They had quite a few the last time. Popular items will sell out quick. Just expect to be disappointed. If you end up getting one, bonus!
what wide screens ?
On the one hand, this is a bargain so I feel compelled to buy it. On the other hand, I have MX Masters for home and work - which I love, and the only keyboard I want to replace is a blue keyed one - because I don't like blues. If this was a brown keyed board I'd be all over it!
It's after 1 and I get " This voucher is not yet valid"
Your clock is fast.
hmm it is, but I'm still getting that error now and I don't think my phone is fast.
same not valid yet
We've been had.
come onnnn
showing up as $65
Mine shows as $60.
Shipping price depends on your location and which state you were ordering from.
shows $58 for me -__-
Site is being OzBargained at the moment for me. Failing through the checkout process now
Getting charged $15 shipping fee. Thought 49 included shipping
Getting charged for shipping….what gives?
Wtf $59?! Includes shipping?!
Charging me $58.42
Same. Shipping is not removed.
$59 no deal.
why am i being charged for shipping? i thought it was free shipping
$69.34, shipping not free
Yeah shipping is NOT free. Waste of time.
Yeah.. getting charged shipping as well. Wonder if I go ahead with the order they will credit me back the shipping costs?
Can you all chill out a bit. It's obviously a mistake. The rep even said it is $49 with free shipping. Let them fix it. I already replied to his post.
Got charged $59.58 as well.
Hope they will refund the shipping cost.
i just bought it for $59.59 just so i was guaranteed stock, hopefully they will process the refund of the difference
got one for $64.07. Hopefully difference is refunded rep :D
MSY can afford reps?
apparently so. user "hung861988" on first page of comments is store rep and hopefully he sorts this out :p
Our stock for [Gamdias HERMES E1 COMBO Mechanical Keyboard DEMETER E2 3200 dpi Optical Mouse NYX E1 MousePad] in your selected store is lower than the quantity in your cart. To proceed with your order, you can change to another store or adjust the quantity.
Coming up as $65 dollars for me…didn't the rep say that shipping was free?
And no more stock on VIC Online store…
Still available in SA. I'm in TAS so went SA instead of VIC because it would be less hit.
Gone in 5 mins😫
What an epic fail…
I was in the paypal payment page, but didnt proceed as it was showing me $64
Yeah shipping is extra.
Total : $59.59.
Please refund me the shipping cost :) Thanks.
PS: Unfortunately, one or more items are currently out of stock. This may cause a slight delay in your delivery. Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to rectify this. Zzzz… expected
Secured one. Hope they refund the delivery fee
Oh darn, had in cart but I stalled for a second to check the shipping costs.
Should have bought anyway, but all gone now. Good work the rest of you :P
What an absolute shit storm.
Fix your shitty website MSY.
still trying to charge me shipping too :(
Charged for postage. I've saved a copy of the promo image and will contact PayPal if my order actually gets fulfilled (on backorder). Hopefully the gear is actually worth $49 + hassle. I'll reserve my vote pending results ;)
mine is also on backorder
Would paypal honour it ie refund the shipping fee if msy won't?
Please refund my shipping!
Out of stock and website has crashed. MSWhy!?!
I'm just here to see how many entitled OzBargainers will -ve this for not securing an order.
The negative votes will be because it WASN'T free shipping. Not because they didn't secure one.
It was obviously a mistake and will be corrected. No one is perfect.
I agree. I'm not fussed I didn't get one, but it's a genuine reason to neg isn't it? The deal isn't what it said it was.
I personally don't care, I won't be negging the OP.
I agree. I'm not fussed I didn't get one, but it's a genuine reason to neg isn't it? The deal isn't what it said it was.
If they decide not to refund the shipping costs, then yes.
But we don't know yet, so it's not a valid reason to neg.
Agreed. So many entitled ozbargainers.
The 200 who wanted these the most paid the extra shipping and had faith the shipping would be refunded. Can't we just be happy for those 200 instead of tearing down the rep?
yeah I stopped to check and now everywhere is out of stock.
I'm getting a bit sick of MSY and it's rubbish service (I put up with it for the price) and their next to useless website (again, the price) but I'm beginning to think I'll happily pay a few extra bucks for the occasional smile and a usable website.
This sale was just the final straw.
Great, one less person to compete against. :)
People need to realize good prices means heavy competition against other shoppers. It's no different to people queueing outside stores before Black Friday sales. If you're expecting smooth sailing, then don't even bother trying.
Sure, good luck with your shopping :)
Look, I understand the nature of the bargain shopping, but I've just reached a point that I thin MSY is just not worth it anymore. For years everyone joked about MSY being the 'soup nazi' of computer parts, and how bad their website was - I don't think they are cheap enough anymore to justify putting up with that crap.
Customer service doesn't cost much, and a drunken 1st year uni student could make a better website - and do it for a case of beer.
Sure, good luck with your shopping :)
Thanks! With sales like these, I expect to be disappointed. If I do manage to score one, then great! No reason to be upset at all if I go into it expecting there to be heavy competition with other shoppers. I'm not more entitled to the deal any more than anyone else who's trying.
I don't think they are cheap enough anymore to justify putting up with that crap.
With non-sale prices, I just go to Umart myself. But when deals like this come along, it might be worth putting up with some crap - keeping in mind that it's going to be a rush.
Customer service doesn't cost much,
Mmm, I think it does. You're gonna have to pay higher salaries to keep good staff.
and a drunken 1st year uni student could make a better website - and do it for a case of beer.
The problem is, people don't care. Money talks, and it sure looks like MSY is doing very well even with their crappy website/service.
There's also more to running a website than the initial design… a case of beer won't pay for that. :)
no stock on any of the locations. Site keeps breaking.
showing incorrect prices, and the voucher only seems to work half the time
Click frenzy flashbacks
Mate you are 15 minutes late to the "party"
Upvote revoked!
Get your shit together MSY…can't be posting one thing and for another thing to happen. Not the first time I've been screwed over by your substandard services!
I will definitely take my business elsewhere with all future computing purchases.
I will definitely take my business elsewhere with all future computing purchases.
Next time there's another good sale by MSY, you'll definitely not even try?
Eug do you have shares in MSY? I see you have replied to a few peoples comments defending them, you are free to an opinion of course, but if you are affiliated you should tick the box "I am associated with MSY Technology"
That's like saying anyone who negs MSY is obviously working for their competitors, isn't it?
No because these people who are neg-ing the deal have clearly missed out. The real question is….why are you even trawling through ozbargain on a Wednesday afternoon specifically commenting on people who have missed out on this deal and asking people to revoke their negs or to persuade them not to go to the ACCC - this is the peculiar thing.
No because these people who are neg-ing the deal have clearly missed out.
Are you expecting MSY to reserve one unit for each person who missed out? 200 people managed to get the deal. What makes those other people more entitled to the deal than the 200 people who got it? With sales like these, people will miss out. Welcome to life.
The real question is….why are you even trawling through ozbargain on a Wednesday afternoon specifically commenting on people who have missed out on this deal
Because the sense of entitlement here is exceedingly high.
The real question is, why are you so against it? Do you also feel entitled to the deal?
Is 200 units not enough stock for you? How many items should a store have in stock before you would allow them to be listed as a deal?
or to persuade them not to go to the ACCC - this is the peculiar thing.
Can you point out where I persuaded anyone not to go to the ACCC?
Have item in cart, apply code - crashes, then crashes, then crashed again.
Finally refreshes. Item out of stock in your state (really? within a minute…okay)
Change State - same deal. Try every state - all gone and its not even 1.03pm.
Rep - not good enough. Id like a reply please.
What makes you think you're entitled to a reply from the rep just because you didn't get stock? What did you expect to happen with a deal that got 8,000+ clicks. It's a race and you didn't make it to the finish, tough luck.
@DKPARTY, same here. I paused when I saw the total price ($62+ for me), checked here, and went back. That pause was fatal to my attempt to secure one!
You said free shipping so I went to checkout and held off the purchase cause I saw the shipping charge. Now its all out of stock, you break my heart MSY. Remember this.
I paid but it ended up charging me $14.89 for shipping, despite it meant to be free shipping.
I emailed directly for a refund of the shipping amount.
EDIT: negative vote given because shipping wasn't free and it was charged.
If they do refund you, will you remove your neg?
Just got an email from MSY confirming that my shipping will be refunded. Hopefully this also means that the handling fee will be removed as well as advertised.
On this basis, I am removing my neg.
Different msy stores had different shipping rates. None for free as advertised.
I waited to see if the shipping would be corrected, but that was a mistake as it went out of stock at all stores within 10 minutes. Fail.
i ordered mine and currently in back order, i have a feeling i wont be getting it
how do you know it's in back order?
they emailed informing me its in back order
I am on back order too.. from MSY SA Online store.. Paid via charged $14.89 for shipping and $1.26 for handling fee!
Not in the ad - not happy!!
me too lol :(
As long as your payment was made successfully, your order will be fulfilled
Thank you
What about the people who didn't purchase it because of the shipping cost?
Utterly dodgy deal Msy
Code doesnt work for like 3 minutes
Added extra shipping
Ill just buy a keyboard off ebay for $60
Not too sure yet :( . We have around 200 of them, hopefully we can sell all