This was posted 8 years 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

JRPGs Discounted: Odin Sphere PS4 / Grand Kingdom / Vita Trails of Cold Steel 2 and More $29 @ JB Hi-Fi


JB Hifi have seemed to mark down a few games and since I mostly only buy JRPGs thats all I've noticed.

Odin Sphere at $29 is an absolute steal. Beautiful 2d Action RPG can't recommend enough.
Grand kingdom is a SRPG with some online features and is really nice and generally underrated.…

Both those above have demos on the PSN store so give em a try if your not sure if you'll like them.

Legend of Heroes trails of cold steel II is now $29 crazily priced since it only came out 3-4 months ago. Trails of cold steel I can also be found for $29 if you can find it but stock is too low for online.…

Tokyo Twilight Ps4 is also $29 and somehow got itself an updated ps4 release. Not sure why this got localized to be honest the original didn't sell well or review well.…

Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet is also $29 but this got marked down a month ago or so. Haven't played it.…

If you go to your local JB and see a game marked down that you think the JRPG crowd would be interested post here and let us know as a lot of the games have too low stock for online but still get marked down.

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closed Comments

  • good prices. grab odin sphere, fast paced 2d side scrolling beat-em-up. very satisfying combat!

  • Awesome. Been waiting for a price drop on TOCS2. The first game was excellent!

  • Thanks but since no listing or sku for trail of cold steel 2 on ps4 may wish to edit. Unless someone from jbs headoffice would like to confirm limited availability. Sorry if Im raining on the parade because appreciate the post.

    • +2

      trail of cold steel 2 is ps3 and vita.

      • Vita physically in Australia. Trails I had ps3 at e.b. Games but no physical for 2. trails one is $28 at eb if you can find a copy not many left.

        • i bought trails 2 on ps3 from play asia and i actually finished it around 2 months ago

          bought it from play asia

        • @chingy213:
          Oh cool they did a Asian english Ps3 copy? I'll have to look into that. Looks like trails of cold steel will be ps4 only if they actually make and localize it which is kinda sad.

        • @Scaregdearimasu:

          nah US edition.. ps3 is region free..

          eng dub and sub

        • +1

          Oh cool didn't know USA got it. Love me some region free consoles!

  • +1

    I bought the older Tokyo Twilight PS3 for $2 early last year, and I agree about why they rereleased it. The gameplay just didn't make any sense to me.

  • good find..

    will pickup on weekend, hopefully jb Melton have them in stock.

  • +2

    Cheers OP. Was waiting for Odin Sphere to drop in price.

    If anyone cares, Grand Kingdom on PS4 and Vita is also the same price ($29).

  • +1

    Burning Blood on the vita for $30.69 delivered is a decent price. Ozgame has it for $35.

  • Argh, bought Trails of Cold Steel 2 about a week ago for $40. Eh, it's $10, but still.

  • +1

    Odin Sphere is great, even better than dragons crown

    • much better graphic upgrade over the ps2 release. But you can
      t beat the rabbit boss from dragon's crown.. very monty pyton

  • +3

    Since there's a bunch of Vita owners here, FYI Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization is $36 new at EB Games now and pretty easy to find in store.

  • Seems Odin Sphere got Ozbargained quick :(

    • If you really want it get to your store as quick as you can (if they're still open) there still might be a copy on the shelf.

  • Can anyone provide a screen shot of jbhifi website saying it was $29 so i can pricematch

  • Anybody playing any good JRPGs on PC at the moment? I'm looking for something to sink my teeth into

  • no page exists.

  • -1

    Good price for jRPG games
    Shame that they lock them into playsation only and refuse to release so many on PC
    for gamers that want to use Keyboard and mouse instead of joypad

    • If you prefer playing the above games with a KB + Mouse as your preference, it's a little weird but what ever floats your boat XD.

      The developers and publishers of those games above generally stick with the PlayStation platform, but as of late the disgaea series has been getting PC love, and other RPG's (FF and Tales of series). So nothing is entirely off the table.

      • valkyria chronicles got a PC port, it a great game and overlook during it's ps3 release. there a psp squeal and ps4 re-release too

        • yep well aware of those 2, great games. Sad the 3rd valkyria never got an official western translation.

          Awaiting the next game in the series.

        • @Velathial: there's a English patch that been around since 2014 that could be applied to the game if you run it from your memory card.

        • @godofpizza: Yeah aware of that, just never got around to running a patched version of the game.

          Did have a close eye on it for a while but took a long time for the story to be translated and still required alot of other side stories and other parts to be translated.

      • In my own view playing RPG + RTS + TPS + FPS will ALWAYS be better using native USB keyboard and mouse

        No matter how much money they invest into joypad resign it will never be better

        • I can understand all but RPG games. I would never dream playing a final fantasy or a 'Tales of' game on a keyboard or mouse.

          Tactical RPG like Baldurs gate, Dragon age origin is fine on the KB and mouse.

        • @Velathial: it's the same with driving games. Some people prefer the hand controller some want to use the steering wheel setup or the keyboard mouse.

        • @godofpizza: Yeah this is true. Driving games though on KB feels lifeless. Controller or Wheel only for me please. XD

  • Gone from the website but still available in stores - 1 copy left of Trails 2 Vita in JB Camberwell, scans at $29.

    • amazon had the lionheart edition shipped for 51$ a few days ago, but it seems to have gone but up in price.

      • That edition is is nice, but it is for the 1st game.

        • so dumb, i thought it the same game/alternative cover. They really need to have 2 plastered in larger text.

        • @godofpizza: Why would they Plaster 2 on the lionheart editon?

        • @Velathial: i meant on the sequel. i had it in my hands yesterday @ jbhifi thinking oh i have this game already. Brought odin sphere instead, but still i've never gotten confused on titles before (except for the agrest series)

  • +1

    damn, I gave in and got Odin Sphere for $50 from Amazon because I thought the price would never come down!

  • Grabbed the last copy of Odin Sphere from Belconnen. Still had a copy of Trails of Cold Steel 2 and Grand Kingdom. No idea if anything else was discounted.

    • Grab me that copy of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II :P

  • Great deal, just picked up Odin Sphere at my local JB.

  • Literally just bought cold steel 2 from jbhifi yesterday for 59, wonder if they will give me a refund or something.

    • tell them it was a gift but the person does not have a PS vita

  • Saw a few copies of Odin Sphere @ JB hi fi Home Frankston.

    Going to check a few more stores to see if i can get trails of cold steel 2.

  • Odin's Sphere is SO good at 1080p and 60fps. Definitely a must buy at $29.

  • -4

    $29 dollars for jrpgs? Nah, jrpgs recycle the same gameplay from early Nintendo /Playstation 1 era, its the same game, over and over with very little changes, very little variety. They should be free to play. People hate on Cod even when it changes, but these games really take the cake.

    I can get jrpgs free on tablets, phones now, of the same quality, if not better. For $4-5 dollars maybe i'd consider, for anything over $7 i cant really call that a deal.

    Plenty of better digital and indie games on PSN, Xbox and Eshops to play then the same gameplay battle systems formulas reused constantly for decades on end. It just doesn't compare to other genres unfortunately.

    Outside of Pokemon and the more westernised reworkings, its very hard in this day and age to justify the price.

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