Looking for RC Rockhopper Car for Underhouse Inspection - Any Suggestions?

People I'm looking for a decent Remote Control rock hopper car that I can use for underhouse inspection. I want something I can use to trundle under there with a little video camera and LED lights; I'm a little concerned our downpipe might be leaking and I would also like to know where the cats have been hiding all the toys we keep giving them. Does anyone have a reasonable value suitable car. It doesn't have to be particularly speedy, I just need it to be able to deal with the terrain. We have a pretty good clearance for most of the house, and, hopefully, the camera will be able to see into the tight spots. Thanks for any assistance.


  • Hello. If it is possible to crawl under there it would be much much better if you do that as even with a great camera you won't see the important stuff with enough clarity and resolution. Sorry I didn't answer your question but I fear an RC car might give you awful results.

    • +1

      That might help for the cat toys, but trying to get a cat to walk to the location of the drain pipe reliably is probably not so likely.

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