I have a lot of experience building Excel based financial models to evaluate business cases in my role as financial analyst over the years.
I have been approached to do some freelance work through an ex-colleague. They are looking at a custom built Excel model to assist with their production planning.
Just wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with consulting work, and know what I should be charging?
From past experience I know that requirements often change as things progress through the build, so it will be difficult to give a fixed price quote.
I am thinking an hourly rate will be a fairer approach, but unsure how much to charge per hour.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Go get a quote from a professional mob then charge 10% less? ;)
Edit: Side note, if you intend on pursuing the freelance angle, it may be worth doing it on the cheap or even free in return for permission to use this job as an example for future clients