Small business website recommendations

Hi guys,
I am just wondering if someone could give me recommendations, on developing a website / sales and marketing platform for a small business.
I am doing my research, however, finding it hard to narrow down the options.

  1. selling info pamphlets based on individual client requirements. clients will have to answer an online questionnaire.
  2. Blog,
  3. Video podcasts, clips
  4. Online Sales - pay, check out > emails to clients,
  5. Member area and their progress tracking
  6. SEO
  7. Social media marketing

Any recommendations?

Thanks for your help, much appreciated


  • Hi nadunr, congratulations on taking a step to jump onto the web. It might help us if you tell us a bit about your business and online goals. Did you want to get new customers or to sell products on your website, or to enhance your customer's impression of your business?

    If you give us that information, we could give you a better idea based on our opinions, on how to approach getting a website :)

  • Squarespace is very easy, and gives better results than the rubbish weebly and wix.

    In the ozbargainer spirit I'd say learn to do it yourself from scratch, but you are probably time poor…?

  • Blogs, videos and stuff like those are in the field of SEO…My opinion is if you are not ready to hire a marketing group, no matter its size, you shuold probably add your business on those directory sites for a shot, like or, personal recommendation, . Creat an account on the site, and get your business shown in public. Sign-up is free at yeep. When your information appears on the site, (tho I don't know whether your business is online or offline.)you will get traffic, both offline and online.

    My gym studio was beneficial from this method. Maybe it takes times, but it works, and saves money.

  • I've just spawned an instance of Mautic which is great for online marketing. Pay & Checkout you're best hunting around but will most likely end up going with a PayPal/Derivative over merchant account integrated with a framework. The rest you'll find WordPress ticks the boxes.

    In summary, Mautic/PayPal/WordPress are the droids you are looking for … if you're willing to get your hands dirty.

  • nadunr, there's alot of things you need to consider, but the process doesnt have to be hard. Leave the SEO for now and concentrate on the main point. Getting you website ready and on the right platform for you wether thats wordpress, shipfy, big commerce etc.

    Once you've started building that up and you're close to a launch date, then start to put together the planning of videos, blogging/vloggin, SEO and the rest.

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