My friend told me a story of during his job hunting days around a year ago.
He and 15 others (10 male, 5 female) were sitting outside going in for a panel based interview for engineering roles for a reputable engineering company. Before going into his interview, the HR manager walks into the room and tells them that they are ONLY looking for women in this role. The interview did its thing and obviously, only 4 out of the 5 females got the positions. To add salt, one of the successful applicants was a friend of my friend's and she didn't even know what the role was about (like ffs).
I understand the importance of gender diversity in the workplace (especially engineering workplaces) but doesn't this seem effed up? I mean, success in an interview should be based on competencies rather than what genitals you have. I hate the idea (with respect to this particular example) that having a phallus, my competencies are hindered. There are faculties in universities primarily associated to "Women in Engineering" where the after tertiary education they're set up for life regardless of competence. It's a lot more challenging and so much more competition for males in this field and it personally just ruffles my feathers.
Does anyone share this? Is this even legal?
@Ughhh: How dare you presume this poster's parenting, are you a parent? The way that you are posting i would guess not. So looking from the outside, you have all the perfect answers to fix everything, everywhere, right?
Sadly it doesn't work like that, ever. There are influences in a child's life that parent has no control over, grandparents, friends, school, everything guides your child and helps them grow, positively and negatively. The best that you can do is help them be a good, kind and respectful person. The minute you start infecting them with the venom where things like boy colours and girl colours should be offensive to them, is when you start turning them into becoming a professional victim. People are allowed to be aggrieved by things that are socially wrong, but try to be problem solver and help with the solution not just a problem spotter and shake your fist in anger at the things you don't like.
Also ad hominem attacks make you seem less intelligent as you are unable to counter a persons argument, or fail to answer a simple question, but you attack the person, you should stop doing that.