This was posted 8 years 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W: Mafia III - $39, Rise of The Tomb Raider 20yr Anniv (PS4) - $39, Final Fantasy XV - $59

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Advertised in the upcoming Big W catalogue:

Mafia III - $39
Rise of The Tomb Raider (PS4) - $39
Final Fantasy XV - $59

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Not bad but I'm waiting for the $20 mark on TR. Squenix games always reach it way faster than the rest regardless of quality.

  • I'm wondering whether JB or EB is going to match the price now?

    • +1

      EB had $59 for FFXV day one edition the other week.. but I'm going to assume you're talking about one of the other games

      • +1

        I was talking about FFXV. You're right. I missed the EB deal previously.

    • JB still have it at $89

      Went in to two JBs today to ask about price match. First one would only take it down to $59. Second one price matched Big W's $39

      I had to use JB as I had a gift card (and Big W were OOS)

  • -1

    if only it was PC

  • -1

    Where is Nioh

    • +1

      Big W aren't stocking as far as I know.

      • Alright, so JB is my only option

        • not really, Ozgameshop has them

        • +1

          JB or import sadly :(

        • +1

          @reptilescorpio: Slow AF import. Ozgameshop told me to preorder Breath of the Wild with them because they're $3 cheaper than JB.. I think I'd rather play it on launch day than wait up to two weeks for it to arrive thanks

  • mafia 3 any good?

    • bad.

    • nope

    • Wait until it's $5

  • anyone here recommend "The Last Guardian" ?

    • I would, but more so to people with more time on their hands and patience. It's a bit unruly, and I think the experience is worth it in the end, but I wouldn't recommend it to, say, a father of three with an hour to play games every few days. If you're a bachelor or Uni student for example, then I'd say go for it. If you pricematch it at EB you can just return it anyway.

    • Controls are pretty bad, frame rate is inconsistent on standard PS4. That said the story is fantastic and it's a very unique game. I bought it at $39 and don't regret it.

    • At first I thought it was a bit boring but the more I played, the more I liked it. There are some intense moments! A lot of time is spent trying to figure out what you're suppose to be doing. If you liked Journey, I'm certain you'd enjoy The Last Guardian too. If you're not sure, I agree with Palapa to pricematch at EB so you have 7 days to decide.

    • I tend to find I play it to take a break from action games.

    • -1

      I wouldn't recommend it. It's not that great, all platforming, no combat, and no boss fights.

    • I would wait for more patches for last guardian to fix frame rate and camera angle issues

      Also poor sales of the game means it's heading to $35 or below fairly soon in coming months

      If you are not in a hurry I would hold off

      • I'd be pretty surprised if they patched it with any haste considering how long it was in production. That being said I'm super keen to give it a go regardless of issues.

  • The catalogue also shows that the price also counts for XBOne titles as well.

  • +3

    Where's DOOM? Shouldn't it be like $6.50 by now?

  • New release games are dropping in price so quickly lately. I assume it's because of all the competition from this crazy release schedule.

    A couple of years ago, PS4 games were launching at $69 at Target (or Dick Smith, RIP) then going back up to $79-99 for the next 6 months.

    Right now it seems like it's only worth buying games on launch if you're desperate to play them immediately (or you have price protection on your credit card).

    • Its the dropping quality and lower standards of games to be honest and market over-saturation. Alot of games aren't selling what they used too, alot of sequels and new games made quickly. Some just happen to flop. They are harder to make on the new systems, and they're more expensive to produce. The industry produces less games on the scale they used too. The market shrunk but hopefully will rebound with the next series of systems releases.

      • I don't really agree that quality is dropping (there have been some very mediocre games in previous years/generations that we've since forgotten about), but there is definitely a bit of market oversaturation going on. Lately we're seeing a lot of "8/10" releases - safe games that are enjoyable, but aren't amazing, 'unmissable' experiences. We're getting a lot of Metacritic 82s rather than the hit-or-miss lotteries we've had in years past. There have been some fantastic games in this generation though, and I'm hoping for a few more in 2017.

        I also don't agree that the market has shrunk - this generation of consoles is selling very well, and I recall reading not long ago that people are buying more games per console unit than any previous generation. I think gaming is in a good place, and publishers are just missing their targets because of a crazy amount of competition.

        • The same type of games sell and even those arent doing so great, games like Titanfall 2 and Watchdogs 2 flopped (which im not hating on at all) and Final Fantasy probably didnt do well enough to make back the 10 or so year development, especially given the end product. Mafia is very buggy and repetitive. Metal gear was repetitive in a bad way. First MGS this gen was basically a retail demo. Alot of Xbox One exclusives and PS4 ones arent doing to well either. Microsoft cancelling games etc. Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break didn't do well, Scalebound gone. Look at how games like Overwatch were pushed, it didn't really have a single player campaign, these are the free to play type games the industry is now pushing to make ends meet, same with Destiny. It doesn't hold a candle to Halo.

          Quality is definitely dropping, alot of games werent optimized too well from big companies, rushed to market, still with long delays, plus the forced install factor on the ps and xb lead to additional issues. Assassins Creed games launched with giant bugs a couple of years ago and they're same samey, Master Chief Collection bungled game content at launch, certain features offline werent accessible, Street Fighter V had features that didnt work offline and werent accessible. In game system points were not registering. Uncharted 4 basically a movie with very limited gameplay. Alot of people hated first half of game. Ubisoft quality went down a bit, so many of their games feel similar minus WatchDogs. Endless remasters of not so old games from last gen. No Mans Sky a total disaster, false advertising unfortunately.

          Indies are picking up the slack a bit, as have some Microsoft exclusives and Nintendo, but the "Mid level" developers, alot of them went out of business last generation. Alot of devs also went to mobile too. Lets be real Rockstar became very overrated last gen, even Red Dead. The DLC game was better. Rockstar played it safe since Manhunter and San Andreas…. They barely dropped anything this gen outside a GTA V remake.

          Reviews dont mean much, neither does Metacritic. Big reviewers milk clickbait or controversy for reviews, they generally give certain companies praise while trying to tank others. An 8/10 isn't bad but even then alot of games that get that arent that good, though im less judgmental… Very much influenced by advertising dollars now, these sites are basically advertising firms for game companies.

          Also keep in mind Wii U and Xbox One didn't do so hot, it took a mid gen upgrade version of Xbox One (the S) to get sales going again and even then not that great. Wii U advertising a total mess, a complete disaster even if the system is very good.
          Microsoft basically released 2 Xbox systems that are different, plus they're releasing the Scorpio only after a few years. Ps4 did the same only with 2 additional systems to keep sales going: PSVR (an add on system that had mixed results) and PS4 Pro (another mid gen upgrade system, to keep some sales rolling in, mostly to sell to the people that already bought the originals!) There are games working worse on PS4 pro compared to the original version, and both Xbox and Playstation systems now have different performing versions between each edition.

          There are some cool games like Dead Rising 3, 4, no doubt, but theres a reason why people pay attention to an overrated game like The Witcher 3 this gen, when no one cared last gen when 2 came out. Its no Skyrim, not Fable worthy either. Mutisystem games really peaked with the 6th generation when you had funky titles like the Def Jam wrestling games etc.

          The Xbox Scorpio is probably just an early next gen system, hopefully Crackdown 3 launches and is awesome.

  • FFXV is a must, just for the visuals alone it's a graphical masterpiece especially on a ps4 pro. Been playing it for a month

    Tomb raider also highly recommended solid game

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