I currently use these stands when performing squats and bench presses but I'm thinking about upgrading to the ALDI Pull-up Squat Rack for my home gym. I train without a spotter so I use moderate weights to prevent myself from failing a rep as the current stands don't have adequate safety features compared to the rack from ALDI. Is this a good buy or are there better alternatives available? I've checked Gumtree but there is nothing in my area.
Thoughts on ALDI Pull-up Squat Rack $199?

Last edited 07/02/2017 - 14:55
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Here's a direct link to the rack: https://www.aldi.com.au/en/special-buys/special-buys-wed-8-f…
It's a bit hard to tell being that we dont know the height/weight/materials used in it's build. We also don't know what it's built to hold, either (70/80/90kg/XXL users?).
With the exception of a non-waterproof rain jacket most ALDI products I bought were fit for purpose and a good compromise between BIGW/Kmart quality and brand names.
The fact it's heavy (57 kg) and can carry a decent amount (300 kg) suggests it's got some strength to it. If not you can melt it down to use as weights.
Thanks for alerting us to the gym deals.
I messaged them on Facebook for more info. I'll be picking one up.
Thank you for contacting ALDI Stores with your enquiry in regards to the Pull Up Squat Rack. We can confirm that the above product Steel Tube Dimensions is 60mm x 60mm x 2mm.
- Assembled Dimensions: 211cm (H) x 110cm (W) x 105cm (D).
- Weight Capacity: 300kg
- Packed item weight: 57kg (will require two people to carry item)
- The pull up bar is not adjustable in height. It is fixed to the side supports via screws.do you think this will fit in a hatchback if I buy it?
2mm Steel? Sounds quite low I would have expected more. Anyone else comment with more knowledge than me?
2mm steel is probably a lot stronger than you think then.
Looking at most sub-$800 racks, 1.5mm is most common. 2mm seems good for the price.
Looks pretty solid to me. For $200 well worth a look. What does anyone think of those bumper plates? A fair bit cheaper than other stores. Are they like the olympic ones you can drop?
Interested also. Not sure they're Olympic sized plates though. They look a bit small.
That's a good find! I'm tempted to purchase one myself. Looking at the link, is it a special price for tomorrow only? If so, does anyone know if I can call in advance to put one on hold? I'll only be able to drop by after work tomorrow.
My branch lets you buy and store in their back shop area till you can collect.
Hi, just bought this item as was using the same stands you were. A great solid addition to my home gym. Very rigid in construction. Be aware though, the box is HUGE! I ended up pulling the assorted bits out the box in the ALDI carpark with curious onlookers in attendance. I have a Passat Wagon…the bits just fitted!
Please note the width of this supports the longer olympic size bars. Shorter bars may be too tight between the uprights.
Wow ! I forgot to check that, thank you for pointing this out.
Like op, I also use the squat stands. I picked up a commercial quality pair for $50 on gumtree. But you spend more time positioning them than actual lifting. They are useful but too much messing around.
The ALDI squat rack is compact which I think is it's first best feature. Takes up a very small space compared to other racks.
All I need now is a flat bench. Might end up cutting off the upright supports on my current bench.
I might buy this and sell my Force USA squat rack.
That's a pretty great price for a full Squat rack.
I used to check Gumtree for cheap gym gear but most sellers (at least in my area) want what they paid new for old, rusty, used equipment.