I'm not sure if I have the settings done correctly, but I have about 5 general alert keywords, that don't ever seem to send me anything. Is there a common error that I'm missing perhaps?
Should I have the "Notify me by email when:
A deal reaches the front page
A competition reaches the front page"
boxes ticked? it seems like they were in a different section, but are they instead related? If so, can I suggest that page be looked at, as I don't think it's very clear.
Everything looks okay, you don't need to tick any of those other boxes. If you go to your search alerts you can see the 'last alert' when those search alerts were last triggered, at that time you should have got an email.
Are you receiving any emails from OzBargain at all? If not you might need to check your junk mail folder and also add [email protected] to your whitelist/address book as that's where the emails come from. Email subject will look like '[OzBargain] Search alert for eneloop'