7% Interest. Restrictions include:
* Interest only paid that month if you deposit $50-$500/month without withdrawals that month (Max $500 deposit/month)
* Each year all your money is moved to your linked account
* Update: Linked account required. Possible options without monthly fees include: InstantSaver (requires $500 minimum balance), Hero/Zero (requires $2000 deposit/month)
YES I know this is a very restrictive account and IS NOT for everyone, but it's a great way to save your first $6,000 each year.
Comparable products: Virgin Saver 6.75% (Intro rate for 4 months). UBank USaver 6.51% (with ASP) and Rabo 6.40% (Intro rate till end of 2010)
A 0,5% difference on $10,000 is just over $4/month extra.
Nice, but it would be impossible to reach that $10,000 mark as you can only deposit up to $500 a month and it all goes back into your linked account at the end of 12 months. Ubank is a better deal I think.