Just walked past my local BWS and noticed Asahi was $42. Thought that it was quite a good deal considering its normally overpriced.
Checked out the website and apparently there's 20% off all slabs till the 22nd.
Enjoy, I know I will.
Just walked past my local BWS and noticed Asahi was $42. Thought that it was quite a good deal considering its normally overpriced.
Checked out the website and apparently there's 20% off all slabs till the 22nd.
Enjoy, I know I will.
how's amsterdam mariner?
I don't think much of the amsterdam mariner myself but find the Oettinger OK - not a bad bang for your buck given that they're 500ml cans and only $35.20 a slab. I might go buy a slab on the weekend.
Although unless you've found a great special it's hard to get under $40 a slab.
What BWS store was this? Asahi for $42 is insane!
The one I walked past was the one on Lygon St, Melbourne. Get on it!
Please don't support OETTINGER or MARINER :(
New DRY DOCKS is the go! Coopers Clear is usually pretty cheap as well!
They have Oettinger on special 2 x 6 packs for $25 or a case of 24 for $26.40, go figure?
I like Dry Dock… :P
What's the problem with Oettinger? Pretty good taste for the price range IMO.
I'm thinking KLONE was suggesting we buy Australian beer as opposed to imported
The Asahi BWS sell are the ones imported from Canada, which taste totally different from the Japan imported one (in other words… shit!).
Good deal though.
Are they really bad? I've had bad experiences with the the locally brewed Stella and if the Canadian Asahi is that crap I won't bother.
You're wrong. It's brewed under licence in Thailand and taste pretty similar to one in Japan. Unless you mean Sapparo
Ah. Whoops. Confused myself.
You're right, I was thinking about Sapporo. :)
I haven't tasted the non-Japanese Asahi so I can't comment on that.
Should be able to get Dan's or First Choice to Price match it. That's what we did when BWS had the '$10 6 packs of Sapporo', just went to Dan's with the coupon and used it for the proper Japanese Sapporo.
Not sure if its a national special but I also got some Dos Equis 6 pack for $10 at Dianella, WA. It was ment to come with a free keyring too but they couldn't find any.
Everyone's listing pretty basic lagers here, try an ale with flavour! All the macro lagers recipes differ less than 5 per cent from each other, and in Australia it's less than 2 per cent. Everything else is marketing
yeah, c'mon Wampus..
and remember this is a bargain site so list some good deals! not some pretentious crap
@jv: All I'm saying is the deal is for 20% off ALL SLABS OF BEER. My point is, you can get something like a pale ale or pilsener or something with a bit more flavour, for the same price. (It's the 'Crownies' theory, put the same beer in a bottle with gold lettering and charge more and people will buy it).
I'm not trying to be 'pretentious', I'm just a beer lover. As below, try Fat Yak or Little Creatures perhaps, to actually taste the hops.
If this was a specific offer for a particular lager, I wouldn't have made the point, but the deal appears to be for all beer, so my suggestion is to take advantage of it.
try little creatures pale ale, one of my personal favourites. Although quite pricey…
Other good pales - Mountain Goat Steam, Kooinda, Hawthorn, Fat Yak..
But little creature is amazing.
Asahi confirmed in Bayswater VIC btw.
@funky: BWS has a fairly limited selection of good beer.
In SA you can get Little Creatures, Fat Yak and Gage Roads from BWS.
If you aren't used to a flavoursome beer, try starting with Gage Roads IPA. It's a nice style which introduces your taste buds to something new :).
Little Creatures can be a bit strong on the taste for lager drinkers, but I recommend it. Give it a go while it's a bit cheaper than normal!
If you have a Dan Murphy's around, in SA at least, you can get an excellent quaffing Ale in the Baron's Pale Ale. Currently only $39 or so at my local.
Not the most flavoursome beer ever, but very cheap and uses good ingredients.
Little Creatures pale ale is the best Aussie beer. Stock up at this price.
I wish BWS would stock Delirium Tremens… With this deal I might actually be able to afford a carton of it haha
Don't forget Dan Murphy's price guarantee - if BWS isn't convenient
It says valid from 26/7 to 1/8 at the bottom of the VIC catalog. You might want to double check the expiry date.
just checked it, you're right. i swear it was 22nd when i checked last night. but anyway, changed the expiry
Hey guys, just quickly; I created an account to say thank you, stumbled across the site (and this post) and ran out and bought a carton of Asahi and one of Gage Roads, both for quite cheap.
Also to throw in my 2c, Little creatures is VERY good, but some people don't like the Pale ale as it's quite a strong flavor. Some BWS's stock a little creatures mixed carton for the regular price, which has a 6pack of each Pale Ale, Pills, and Bright ale and rogers (IIRC), good options for those looking to try something new.
Again thanks very much for the heads up about cheap beer!
not "cheap" as much as reasonably priced beer. enjoy.
Saw this in the HUN today; decent deal.