2015 Camry or Cerato 14-17k Budget

Saw two previous posts with a similar topic but with no definitive answer to my question (the OPs had different requirements I think).

I currently have a 2014 Camry, partner has that now. Need another one for work. Looking for a reliable and safe car. Nothing flashy. Just reliable and cheap to own for the next 3-4 years. 14-17k Budget (depending on the value of the car of course). Just a comfortable and safe base model car will do. I will be spending most of my time inside this car driving alone. Short distance driving will be the majority of the trips.

Am currently deciding between a approx 15k Cerato and a 16.8k Camry. Both 2015 and ex fleet. Camry has travelled about 10k more than the Cerato

Other than the size, I like the driving and handling of the Cerato. Camry is more punchy and picks up faster but handles like a ship (probably drinks like one too).

The size of the Camry is great because I've been in an accident before and the extra "crush space" is great. I know the Kia is safe but its smaller and in a vehicle on vehicle accident, the bigger car has lower decceleration and passengers experience lower force. The Camry has 7 air bags too.

The other huge factor to me is the warranty. The cerato will still have around 2 years of FACTORY warranty when I sell it but the camry will only have one more year left. I have this (probably irrational) fear that something will break down in the camry that will cause me to be out of pocket by a significant sum.

Thanks for helping me decide and if you have the time please explain why too! =)

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  • +1

    If you had a friend with exactly the same dilemma (with the same details that you provided to us), which car would you recommend to him yourself?

    • +1

      I'm not sure. I wouldnt know. If I did I would have already decided =/

  • Id pick Camry for improved resale, but figure it's too big for your needs and less economical. In your shoes I'd be picking a corolla.

    • Well, the Cerato is already ~$2k cheaper, so the resale won't make the difference.
      There's also the fact that it has fewer kms, drives smoother, and may be newer/better taken care of.

      I think the OP should really decide for himself.
      There could be advantages for owning two identical cars.
      But in the same time, it might feel "monotone" and have the difference might be better for his sanity.

      • I don't care about monotone. Not a problem.

        Whether it is too big or not. Maybe. Will the costs add up a lot over 3 years?

        Knowing what you know about car safety and warranty. Is the additional cost worth it?


        Also. Resale is a small issue too. I doubt they would be more than 2K different either.

        • Honestly, all* cars depreciate.
          So if you're buying a car for investment or asset, you're in the wrong field.

          If I were you, I would try to compare the cars for what they are:
          price, condition, size, performance, wow-factor…. and in that order.

          It's sort of hard for me to make a thorough recommendation without a link to the specific cars, or inspection before hand.
          I too will be in the market to buy a car very soon… as I just got smashed in my car by another motorist.

  • Cerato is a good car. I had a 2015 which was recently written off and replaced with the MY17 model. MY17 is better in terms of road noise and some finishing but not a major difference.

    The incident was middle vehicle in a 3 car incident where I was stationary and hit by a Hilux 4WD with bull bar at ~50km/h. Everyone climbed out and only had minor injuries (including rear passenger) - so I guess I can vouch for the safety as well :-) Brand new $250 esky was obliterated though…

    • I had a 08 ford focus sedan which was rear ended by an I30. Same situation as you. My camping table in the trunk survived. So did the fish tank in the back seat.

      I hope you're feeling better now. Whiplash is a POS.

  • +1

    The Cerato and Camry are fairly different vehicles. Shouldn't you be comparing either the Cerato/Corolla or Camry/Optima?

    • Which is what makes it so difficult. I am looking at two different classes of cars both with their pros and cons and I'm wondering if the $1750 price difference is kind of justified for my situation.

      Cerato wins out the Corolla because of price and warranty.

      Camry wins out the Optima because of price.

      I suppose if there was a reliable and decent medium sized car with a 5 year warranty and good fuel economy at 16750 I would take it but thats the best of both worlds and we can't have everything we want. =)

      • Have you checked out the Elantra or i40?

        • Yes, they are more expensive than the cerato and at that price I'll go with the camry.

          I usually decide these things pretty easy but I'm seeing good value and a strong argument for either car. =/

  • If you can stretch it, go for the Camry Hybrid.
    As I'm a proud owner I'd say without a doubt its worth the extra coin.
    Aussie made and with a great combo of comfort, power and fuel economy.

  • I would definitely go for Toyota Camry. Kia despite of longer warranty and better styling(than before), has pretty average resale value. We have 2014 Toyota Camry as well, no issues so far. I also helped my mate buy Demo 2015 model with 12k on clock for 21k from dealer with warranty .It has no problems at all.

    If you are planning to keep Camry for next 3 years and sell it off, you will probably get better resale than your Kia.

    I hope that helps :)

  • Camry is my choice.

    But take a Corolla for a drive first, resale will be greater the the Kia.

  • Thanks guys. So consensus seems to be that the camry will still have better resale value even after considering the cerato's warranty?

    I'm leaning more towards the Camry now. I don't think I will go for the corolla because the warranty is quite a big factor for me (over paranoid maybe?)

    You guys seem to be fairly confident about the reliability of the camry. I would agree with that is just that sometimes luck does not (Just saying)

    My next question is do you think the fuel and servicing costs will be a lot more that it might offset the benefit of a better resale?

    • +1

      Did you also compare how much insurance is for either car? I called up nrma last week to compare my current hyundai i30 2011 vs kia cerato my17 vs hyundai i30 active 2016 vs mazda cx3 2016. The cerato came out cheaper than all including my current car. The hyundai i30 was the most expensive.. but interestingly enough, the insurance was cheaper for a hyudnai i30 active x compared to the hyundai i30 active.

      This was my experience anyway.. i'm sure that changes between different areas of Australia, etc.

      • I did not compare insurance but I bought the camry and it wasn't that expensive (insurance wise)

  • Pulled the trigger on the camry guys!

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