Computer desk shattered, thoughts?

I've had my glass desk for a bit of a year now and this morning at about 7am I was awoken by the glass top shattering slamming my monitor to the floor resulting in a cracked lcd. Nothing physical had set this off as I've had the same set up the entire time. Should i get in conntact with the store I purhcased the table from or should I just replace the glass my self, as for the monitor I've had it for over 2 years so I'm sure the warrenty is expired regardless the monitor did not break though a manufacture error.


  • +8

    Tempered glass can suddenly break for a variety of reasons.. they're kind of like a Prince rupert drop. They're made so that they're constantly under strain, which makes them strong against external shock and pressure, but if has weak points or an impurity introduced during the manufacturing process, they can just shatter randomly or extremely easily if they're nicked or stressed in the right spot.

    This problem is common enough to actually warrant a Wikipedia page called 'spontaneous glass breakage

    Also related…

    Anyway just call the furniture store and try your luck, threaten to write bad reviews on google if you want a bit of leverage in your argument.

  • +1

    This was happening often with the Bunnings outdoor tables with glass tops. They would just blow at random times.
    All lot of our things today are made on the cheap and sold cheap, I'd take the remaining parts back and make a scene in the shop if they don't refund or exchange.

  • +3

    This comment might be too late, but make sure you document the damage with multiple photos before cleaning up.

  • My best guess was there was some concentrated light (sunrays) coming in and focused on the table somewhere.
    I've heard that sometimes the heat in a focussed spot can shatter safety glass tables (where they break into many many small pieces). We had an outdoor table do this.

  • What scrimshaw wrote. Many years ago I witnessed a glass dinner plate spontaneously shatter in a uni residence cafeteria. The poor guy whose dinner was on it was at first stunned then kept proclaiming his innocence, I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything…

    • Did they at least give him a new dinner?

      • Yeah there was plenty of goop to go around.

  • +1

    Maybe claim it all on you home content insurance.

  • Always replace the crappy default glass that you get with the table, with toughened glass. It costs more but its worth it as it will last for decades.

  • I have officially been turned off glass furniture. Thanks for educating me above posters.

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