Win a Trip for 2 to a Cyndi Lauper/Blondie Concert of Choice Worth $2,115 from Sunsuper

27 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 04/02/2017 - 15:16
Entry Requirements
Complete the entry form.
A trip to an ‘A Day On the Green’ Cyndi Lauper/Blondie concert of choice for 2 valued at $2,115, including:
1. Economy airfares from winner’s nearest Australian capital city to the Australian capital city closest to the venue of a Chosen Concert, as follows:
(a) 1 April in the Hunter Valley.
(b) 2 April at Mt Cotton.
(c) 8 April in the Yarra Valley.
(d) 8 April in McLaren Vale.
(e) 12 April in Perth.
2. Accommodation for two nights including breakfast daily.
3. Two front row seats to the Chosen Concert.
4. Two garden bar or concert and dining tickets.
5. Sound check access.
6. Lunch in catering tent.
7. Backstage tour.
8. Use of site office dressing/green room for a nominated period of time (approx 30 mins).
9. On stage photo.
10. Car hire for three days.NOTE: Sunsuper members will also go into the exclusive draw to win 1 of 25 double passes to see Cyndi Lauper and Blondie. T&Cs here.