Coles Myer Gift Cards Redemption

Can I use Coles Myer Gift Cards to purchase other gift cards at Coles?

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    In the past I have successfully purchased Coles-Myer gc from Coles using a Coles gc.
    I used the self service checkout.

  • +2

    It is a hit or miss experience. guess you trying to buy the visa gift card for this week catalogue. I tried go through today and get a miss

    You cannot but it is technically possible. This do little harm to coles really. It depend on who operator you get. Friendly cool or Uptight.

    Woolies always have success allow purchase other gift card using wish card on my experience. Had once even done it by a service manager.

    • Yeah. Was thinking of converting my Coles Myer gift cards to the Only 1 Visa.

      I shall give it a try. Thanks

  • -1

    Crazy. Well I guess if people have done it, then you can. I would just be worried doing it myself personally if it is prohibited in their terms of use, there's nothing stopping them from cancelling the "illegitimate" gift cards any time in the future (apart from their apparent inability to prevent it from occurring in the first place or detect it afterwards). Massive loophole/liability for them I reckon, surely an AML issue…

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