Sooooooooooooo…………. turns out my go go gadget thinking cap worked.
Just got a message from them, I won the grand prize :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Now then, back to hyperventilating in excitement.
Post within one tweet (140 characters) stating why you believe you deserve a new Alienware and Roccat gaming setup, using hashtag #AlienwareRoccat and tagging @AlienwareOz and @ROCCAT.
Individuals may submit more than one entry, but each entry must be different. Judging of entries will be based on creative merit.
1. Alienware 13 gaming laptop
2. Alienware drawstring bag
3. Alienware T-shirt
4. Alienware hat
5. Roccat Kone EMP mouse
6. Roccat Cross headset
7. Roccat Taito XXL mousematSECOND
1. Alienware drawstring bag
2. Alienware hat
3. Roccat Suora FX keyboardTHIRD
1. Alienware drawstring bag
2. Alienware hat
3. Roccat T-shirt
Sooooooooooooo…………. turns out my go go gadget thinking cap worked.
Just got a message from them, I won the grand prize :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Now then, back to hyperventilating in excitement.
Indeed it did! Good on you for trying…what I've realised is how the lucky draws are so much more popular yet most of the wins come from the "unpopular" comps like WOLs, purchase etc. You are probably the only one who's entered the MSI For Honor one so far too..good luck :)
Good on your for posting this :P
That For Honor comp is a weird one, a screenshot comp that doesn't start until after you can't log in to the game any more. Seems reasonable.
What an answer (saw it on an Alienware tweet)! Had the perfect nickname for it too.. brilliant.
@gnv9: It all still seems so surreal hahaha
Did you see the tweet where they all but announced one of the winners by asking him to DM them and then people pointed out he didn't use the competition tags so he got disqualified? That was brutal, but also fair.
@MrtheMoonbear: Actually no I was too distracted by "..and I need ROCCAT to bring it here" lol. Mmm well they have to be fair.. it's good for the next person who did follow the rules.
@gnv9: Yea, kinda reassuring given all the short novels I see people write for the 25WOL comps.
@MrtheMoonbear: Yep. It will vary from comp to comp and person to person as to how "creative", "hilarity", "originality" is defined…some might like novels, some appreciate humour and some might not even read anything..
Thankyou thankyou :D
Congrats :)
Go go gadget thinking cap!