Maybe I have been living under the rocks all these years, but my oh my, how the banking industry has changed.
Wanted to open a Citibank account, and get a Credit Card like every OzB here.
Walked to their branch in Brisbane CBD, armed with my passport, driving licence and a smile. Was told that they dont do that in the Branch.
So I asked "why dont you just do my 100 point ID since I am here now"
Reply was "It's done at Australia Post".
Beats me to think what's that shiny office is for.
It's for "Investment".
Needless to say I didnt get a chat with anyone about which Credit Card would be best, how not to be rejected because it's bad for my credit record……
This is new. They did my application and 100 points on the spot at the Sydney salesfront office a year or so ago.