Just wondering if anyone knows if the subscription is actually the cheapest way to get photoshop and lightroom these days, thanks!
What's the cheapest way to get Photoshop and Lightroom?

ty for the info
If cost is the biggest concern there are free Linux alternatives. Just search Google = "linux alternatives for photoshop and lightroom".
I use GIMP and Raw Therapee to process my RAW phptos. Many of these free programs have so much demand that they've been ported onto Microsoft Windows.
But GIMP doesn't support CYMK so it's not great if you want to print.
ty for the info
pay the $18/month student option… its not verified so just sign up, pick an institution you aspire to complete a course in and away you go!
ty for the info
Basically fraud if you are not a student though.
"Basically fraud"
That's the best type of fraud
I became a student at Tassy Uni by enrolling in a free course, now I am paying $16.99 US per month for the entire Adobe CC suite for the year, the .edu email will also unlock the Autodesk suite to use for frees (student licencing only on both). There is the Photography package for $just under $15 a month regular prices - or for just Photoshop. There are copies of CS2 about the net and a master key, it ran out of copyright a long time ago.
Is the application process simple for the free university courses?
Yep, for the one I am doing it was. Search for UTAS posts.
It's the cheapest legitimate means of obtaining a copy, yes. If you're a student you can also get a discount on the month-by-month subs. There are always other means by which to obtain what you seek, but it's by no means a legit copy.