Hi everyone,
I am confused between decking and laminate wooden floor. Is it that decking is better and suitable for outdoor and laminate woodern floor just for indoor? Which one is more expensive? I have a veranda (sunroom) and closed with the glass door and consider to do decking or laminate wooden floor. Because it closed as a room, so I am consider between laminate wooden floor instead of decking since I though it is cheaper. Do you think so? Can you introduce me the service related to decking or laminate wooden floor in south eastern suburbs?
If it is an enclosed sunroom I would go for quality laminate.. the bamboo was good last time I looked.
Beware of the cheap laminate as you will be looking to replace it in a couple of years.
What is there now?
Take some photos and visit some flooring places (not just one) and see what they recommend.
Some of the large hardware / timber places have knowledgeable staff too.
South eastern suburbs of where?