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PC Case Gear Gigabyte GTX 1080 G1 $100 off ($859)

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A Pretty Clear Case Gouge example of "don't believe everything you read" IMHO
This is NOT a deal. Every one knows PCCG is a rip off with their fees and postage. $21 postage and 2% Paypal surcharge give this a total of $897.6 where as you can buy it from PLE for $879 with free postage + no card surcharge.
This only applies to people who can not do pickup. Which would be the majority.
Boycott PCCG.
Boycott a company because they're trying to make a profit off of postage and absurd "transaction fees".
It's basically the definition of a rip-off. They're claiming it's a clearance price while it's still cheaper elsewhere.
clearance for them if they don't plan to restock that model
doesn't mean they need to sell below cost
EDIT: and PLE was selling it for $959 last week - not sure who moved price first but both are now well below market price
uh wot? since when is PLE free shipping? They quote me the same (or more) as what PCCG charge
uh wot? Next time check before making a fool of yourself.
PS: That was one of the multiple postcodes I tried
good work Einstein - free postage only applies to Perth and Melb metro areas
which means SFA for most people that don't live in those areas (like me)
EDIT: full disclosure - I have bought many times from both retailers without issue
Yep I'd have to say they are also a bit dodgy. I bought a PSU which was DOA, so I sent it back (twice I have paid to ship this item) then instead of sending out a replacement (even after they said they would), they give me a store credit for the item. So I assume that I am expected to use that store credit to re-purchase the PSU and pay for shipping a third time?
PCCG haven't been competitive for a really long time. It's a shame as I bought my parts from them for my first build about 7 years ago. Rarely any (good) sales, expensive shipping, transaction fees, & bad prices.
Really no benefit unless you can walk in and pick up.
At this point it seems like they are coasting on their reputation alone
Yep this is so true!! Shipping companies only charge $9.90 overnight for under 5kg packages. So they make $11 bucks off shipping.
The transaction fee is them passing the fees to us. I used to love using pccg but boy, them have some huge markup on shipping which kinda kills the deal.
You might as well just use msy or ple for your computer needs.
Personally I used PCCG back when places like MSY or Umart were a bit cheaper but had shit customer service if at all.
These days there's a lot more competition and places like Umart have decent customer service, so I don't see a reason to shop from PCCG, especially with PCCG trying to get its customers to pay for shipping when receiving a DoA product.
Have to agree with the sentiment. PCGC aint what it used to be. Clearance items suck. Postage is shite.
Yeah after checking other online sellers with less postage. This is not a BARGAIN. Not an OZBARGAIN by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm glad I got mine for $780 on the eBay deal in December. Really good experience with the seller too ! (Shopping Express Clearance)
Wish I picked up a MSI GTX1080 in Nov/Dec for $780….no 1080TI and no good deals since….still waiting :( :( :(
Is it?