Is Seafood No Longer Safe?

Following on from a comment on some other forum, I am keen to know that, so many waterways are polluted, is seafood now a gamble?

Even natural pollutants are increasing from algal blooms caused by warming waters and excess nutrients.Farmed salmon in Europe has been found to be so full of man-made pollutants they warned people not to eat it too often. Fatty salmon flesh collects PCBs and the like.Much canned tuna comes from the western Pacific, which is Fukushima country. It might be nothing to worry about, but it puts me off… Would be interesting to hear of localised seafood incidents.

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    Depends on the seller


  • +7

    buy aussie

    • +6

      And don't buy from China.

    • In principle I agree but if everyone did this then there would be a distinct shortage. Vast majority of fish consumed in Australia is imported.

  • -2

    I think most Australian fish is still OK. Problem is you rarely know what is fresh and what is imported. You can bet your bottom dollar practically all fish and seafood sold by Coles and Woolies is imported whereas most of the fish in your local (capital city or coastal town) fish shop is fresh. So there is a big hint for you.

    • +13

      You can bet your bottom dollar practically all fish and seafood sold by Coles and Woolies is imported whereas most of the fish in your local (capital city or coastal town) fish shop is fresh. So there is a big hint for you.


      Coles and Woolworths state the country their fresh seafood is from. For the frozen ones, the packaging provides details of the source.

        • +3

          I dont the the local Coles or Woolies manager going down the fish market every day at 5am to buy fish for thier store

          Are you at the fish market everyday at 5am? If so are you on the lookout for someone wearing a coles jumper? Ignorance is bliss, aye

        • So if source of origin is Australia (which I've seen in Coles), then it's imported? Please calm down.

    • incorrect, most is Australian. Even says wild caught or farmed.

  • The worst problems are the bottom feeders and the fish that live long lives. We have had problems with E Coli in Australia - particularly where overflows of sewerage has occured. Also long lived fish tend to build up heavy metals, like mercury.

  • +1

    Most markets should have the local produce. They are fresh and more tasty as well.

    • +1

      Yes. Correct. And they dont come frozen in boxes either

  • You've been reading scare stories which the media constantly pumps out because that's what gets eyeballs to pages to view ads to get paid. Most news organisations have one priority which is making money.

    Food is a favourite topic because we literally consume it and know nothing about much at all. A large industry exists to feed this arrangement which consists of tame scientists creating studies with predetermined outcomes, peer review mills (if they bother) and the press release system which most news outlets copy or paraphrase with zero fact checking.

    Why do you read this crap?

  • +1

    People love believing anything.

    Well seafood are already expensive enough, so if people stop buying, good for me. I like seafood and not gonna get scared by this

  • if you didn't see your food growing in the ground or walking around before you ate it, sorry to say but you're probably gonna have cancer eventually

    • +4

      and even if you do, you're still probably gonna have cancer eventually…

  • +1

    If you took the same concern to everything you eat.. then you would be pretty limited with eating anything other than what you grew yourself.

    Are you just talking about your gamble in getting sick or the wider issues to seafood production / catching? There lies the bigger issue.

    Don't be fooled to think everything you see at the fish market just came out of the water… sure it may have just come off the boat… though when was it caught?

    Coles and woolies may get a bad rap here though at least they do correctly label their product. A fried used to work at a seafood shop and they would put whatever sign on the fillets, plenty of white fish looks the same…especially reef fish.

    Your biggest chance of getting sick from local seafood would be from oysters…. though that happens less and less all the time now with more restrictions / testing / limiting harvest during times of risk.

    Head down to your local market / store and enjoy some fish… chances are that mobile phone will kill you before the fish

  • +4

    Switch to land food..more and better options like land tuna and land shrimp

  • Seafood, particularly shellfish absorb mercury readily. Our oceans are high in pollutants these days. Here is a wikipedia article to argue over:

    • This is true, avoid fish with older lifecycles.

      Also fish eat a lot of plastic since we use the ocean as a rubbish dump.

      Eat fish that has a short life cycle.

      • I remember when i used to get bullied over campaigning against microbeads, now they are illegal :) I have settled down on coffee pods, but it is my new target. unessacary plastic is the bane of our oceans. I am wondering when Google Earth will actually let people view the Pacific Garbage Patch (currently one of those super-low-res areas) or its younger brothers, or maybe Trump will just sell lakefront properties on it ;)

  • I no longer have a feeling of healthy food whenever I think of seafood. But the fact that I love to eat fish and shrimps don't let me stay away from it for a longer period of time.

  • "they warned people not to eat it too often"

    who are They?

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