Telstra's billing system has been deactivated. Not entirely sure why. Calls and everything stopped working, then I put in an unactivated $2 SIM, and calls, text & data all worked. Free data until it comes back on. I'd recommend using a $2 SIM or a SIM with little credit on it just in case you don't realise when it comes back on and it uses all your credit up. Enjoy!
Free Data / Calls / Texts @ Telstra Prepaid & Boost

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Working on Boost too
yeah i think they work on the same billing system. added to title
Can confirm 24/7 app isn't connecting to server
Confirmed working. thanks op.
Ive run out of credit i think today.
Hash100# doesnt work
And i cant call outeven an unactivated sim is working for me. so you not having credit shouldn't be a problem…
I have an unopened sim pack, does that mean I can pop it in a device and download without going through the activation process?
yeah, that's what i did. it's the best way to do it because that way when the system comes back on you don't lose any credit etc.
it is not working in my scenario.
Telstra prepaid sim.
No data.
No call out.Even after reset.
Doesn't work.Even though you think it should work… i am confirming in my case it is not working.
ok i can't think of any reason it wouldn't be working. all of my services are working. sorry
if you have an unactivated sim see if that works
Data/calls/SMS working on an old with no credit.
But not international calls
yeah no premium stuff is working. already tried google play, international calls & premium sms. all not working
Dammit why didn't I order a free one??
if the local servos open you could probably go get one quickly
Well this isn't going to end well :/
won't end well for telstra, ozbargain should enjoy it..
(profanity) telstra
Can't find any Telstra sims at home :/ Was going to absolutely rape the network with movie downloads.
Works on a data sim with no credit, cheers Op.
no problem enjoy
uploaded 5 gb to flicker so far on 4g, still 15 more to go. :)
love i can upload full resenjoy :)
Confirm works on a dead data sim you buetty
lol I was getting 133mbps down before i posted to Ozbargain, now getting just 50mbps down. Coincidence?
what someone reported Illegal/Inappropriate???
lol maybe
2 people now!!!
Probably a troll! No points for guessing who.
It's hammer time!
Working on Boost but not working on Lyca which also uses Telstra network
yeah it's the billing system which is down and mvno's use a different billing system to telstra. boost however is an exception and uses telstra's billing system which is why it works
Do Telstra sim cards expire?
Yes. 6 months after activation without recharge. Or if you don't activate them, the expiry on the back of the packet.
I can browse the Internet with my prepaid Telstra sim but can't download torrents. I tried it on phone and used my PC with hotspot. Weird.
I think you need to enable encryption in your torrent client before it will work.
I use a VPN on my PC and phone. Is that what you mean?
Nope. From the utorrent webpage:
Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) actively interfere with P2P activities in order to reduce their bandwidth requirements. This causes uTorrent and other file sharing download speeds to become slow. To avoid this, BitTorrent has introduced an encryption protocol to prevent ISPs from identifying BitTorrent traffic.
Go to Options > Preferences > BitTorrent (or uTorrent). Set Outgoing under Protocol Encryption to Enable, check "Allow incoming legacy connections".
Some ISPs have extremely aggressive throttling methods and for those users it might be necessary to set outgoing to Forced; however this will greatly reduce the number of peers you can connect to. Enabled is sufficient for most users.@realfancyman: Oh wow, I didn't know this. I thought hiding myself was enough. I will enable this when I get home. Thanks mate.
@realfancyman: Do you reckon there is any possibility this might be effecting ps4's as well. I've got 100mb down on cable, easily get between 80-100 on my pc/laptop/phone. Yet go to my ps4 and it struggles to get over 10, a lot of the time I'll lag out and sometimes psn store downloads can drop down to 1-2.
@realfancyman: Lol, I have absolutely no idea, beyond both me and my housemate having the same problem on seperate ps4's despite being on a great connection speed. haha, been trying to look for answers for a few months now.
@ONEMariachi: maybe get a VPN but put it on the router level. It would cost you a bit of money but if it fixes the problem it could be worth it
It seems fixed now. I cannot send international SMS on my expired prepaid sim anymore.
Yep, all over for me
Game Over!
I got nothing to use the data on.. I'm at home already. Oh well.
Game Over 2
yep stopped working here as well :(
Doesn't work for a Pre Paid Plus SIM that had its credit expire in January and didn't work for an unactivated $2 SIM.
Too late, just expired
it's over guys. enjoy the rest of your Australia Day :D
And for a brief moment, a few Australians had internet speeds on par with the rest of the world.
No they didn't.
For a brief moment they had the speeds they normally get everyday except for free.
I think they're making a comment that our mobile data network is superior to our land based one.
Thank God we have the Liberals keeping it that way. I'd be horrified if those poor Telstra shareholders had to make slightly less profit just for the sake of something stupid like Australia having essential infrastructure!
That doesn't make it on par with the rest of the world (I'm presuming he means OECD countries).
The whole R.O.W. thing is hyperbole to begin with. There are plenty of countries with worse internet than ours, or no internet at all.
over, used 7.6gb only. :p
Damn I missed out. Any good alternative for fast upload of a lot of data in Melbourne? Really wish that they would give us an offpeak/overnight option for large (many GBs) amounts of data
Yes. According to the Telstra Air Wiki on Whirlpool, the Telstra air hotspot at Westfield Geelong provides 250mbps up and 250mbps down.
Telstra store at Greensborough had 230/220 last time I checked a week ago.
Managed to upload a bunch of stuff real quick while sitting outside.HOOOLY SHEET. We need to get a map together of fast Telstra Air hotspots.
Looks like I'm going to Greensborough. Is this the one in Greensborough Plaza?
I might try Chadstone and Southland too, I guess the major shopping centres would be more likely to have Fibre.
@The Land of Smeg: yep inside the plaza, level 2.
There's even a handy seated area opposite the store next to the cafe which is where I ran the speedtest from.I haven't tried at Chadstone or Doncaster but assume it would be similar. I'll have to give it a shot next time!
I think most Telstra owned stores have a fibre link. Went to the Telstra store at Marion (SA) and got pretty good speeds.
You can tell whether or not a store is Telstra owned by looking at their phone number. If it's a 1800 number, then it's Telstra owned. Franchised stores just have a regular landline number.
Good while it lasted
That's why I couldn't activate my $30 prepaid sim…
DAMN just bought the $2 SIM!
Nice hiccup in the Telstra network, managed to download ~90% of Resident Evil 7.
Still works for me! Still torrenting away.
Edit: No more working for me.
Lol, just bought the $2 SIM and activated online…
You didn't actually need to activate for this anyway. Suppose it doesn't really matter..
In the spirit of Australia Day, ozbargainers humped the network to death! …also known as "looting wirelessly" lol
So that's what was happening. Damn internet dongle just cut out and wouldn't reconnect for most the arvo.
LOL taking advantage of a billing loop hole which probably will catch up with you later on
good work OP but hardly a "deal"pretty much this
If you're on prepaid it wouldn't matter.
lol I was using an unactivated sim so doubt it's going to 'catch up with me'.
Centrelink will get you.
Odds are centerlink will send the bill to someone who's never used Telstra before.
It didn't last long only few hours? ah wells ozbargained