• expired

1TB Free Cloud Storage - TransIP Stack (Dutch Registration Procedure; Invite System)


1TB free cloud storage provided via a Dutch company called TransIP. This promotion, which requires requesting an INVITE code first, is currently only announced on the Dutch TransIP website (https://www.transip.nl/stack/) and the Belgian TransIP website (https://www.transip.be/stack/), but not yet on their International website (https://www.transip.eu), so unfortunately the sign-up procedures currently only appears available in Dutch! Once signed up, you can change the language of their apps back to English.

Validity: The FAQ on the website states that the 1TB will remain for free in the future.
Timing: I requested an Invite code last Friday and received it today, upon which I signed-up and can confirm it's working as advertised

Steps to enroll:

  • Signup with your email address to request an INVITE code on the following page (only available in Dutch!): https://www.transip.be/stack/

  • Wait a few days for the invite code. In meanwhile you can already download the TransIP Stack Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone or Android apps at https://www.transip.be/cp/stack/download/

  • After receiving the invite code, click the activate button, and sign-up for an account

  • you will receive a confirmation email with your details

  • login with your created STACK address, username and password via the mobile app or web interface

  • The language in the app can be changed back to English

It is quite a cumbersome sign-up procedure, but hey, it will give you 1TB free cloud storage!

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closed Comments

  • needs VPN

    • This does not appear to be enforced (yet). I haven't used a VPN for registering or using and manage to access the service successfully though the iPhone app as well as webbintrrface.

  • Ok, I got the success message "Bedankt voor je aanmelding voor STACK. Je ontvangt een e-mail ter bevestiging." Note that the Dutch website requires a Dutch VPN and the Belgium website requires a Belgian VPN. So far so good.

  • This seems like a lot of work.

  • Looks like they have onwCloud that can utilize Webdav


    Meanwhile it is not only provider with free 1tb. Russian Yandex.Disk gives 1Tb on signup.

    • Since when has Yandex.Disk been 1TB on signup?

      Yandex.Disk FAQ states 10GB on signup plus up to a max of 20GB free.

      My account still shows 10GB, I've had it for almost a year.

      1TB is US$100/year.

      • My fault. Looks like it was another provider mail.ru and it was temporally promotion.

        I was able to request invite to STACK via Tor browser and Belgium exit node. Let see if I will get it

  • Free VPN for many countries. Speed sometimes bad but free!!


  • man what a runaround trying to translate that whole thing
    finally got everything & its only 1GB …the highest they go in paid plans is 10GB
    so I dont know where the 1TB came from

    • +1

      Does it say 1.000 GB like it should? That is actually 1TB. In Europe the . Is used to separate thousands whilst we use , here

      • No, you are right!!!
        My apologies …. until you mentioned it, I didn't notice that at all.
        Thanks mate … you're a gem!!!

  • Got there in the end - make sure you use a country specific address on signup - working fine.

  • +1
    1. Requested invite code on Feb-1 (VPN Needed)
    2. Got invite code on Feb-7 and joined (VPN not needed)
    3. Synced storage with Synology CloudSync (via webdav)
    4. Backing up my ton of raw images(!!)

    Thank you very much OP. Couldn't be more happier!

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