Bigpond finally has some good broadband deals 200Gig should do it….
Excellents news for those on a telstra only asdl2 exchange
Bigpond finally has some good broadband deals 200Gig should do it….
Excellents news for those on a telstra only asdl2 exchange
Yeah just checked my plan options for a cable connection and the options are
2GB - $49.95
50GB - $79.95
200GB - $99.95
I gonna change it now, hopefully I can still get a discount for having a telstra mobile phone too.
The $69.95 plan is including the bundled mobile and home phone, its $10 more without a mobile plan included (mobile plan has to be $20 or more a month post paid)
I dont have a home line as I use Skype to make most of my calls,
but I was getting a $10 discount for just the mobile.
Minimum cost is $2877.60. I think you have to pay line rental on top of $69.95.
Does it counting uploads? Does it has on peak and off peak quotas?
Pretty sure it count uploads as per usual (although I can't find where t says that) and if you click thru to the plan under Features:
No peak or off-peak data restrictions
iinet does not count uploads.
I meant Bigpond usually counts uploads since this deal is about Bigpong :(
"Monthly usage allowance means monthly combined upload and download data transfer (1 Gigabyte = 1000 Megabytes)."
Not bad! This sort of rivals the TPG 90 peak / 90 offpeak $49 plan, except there's no dicking around with restrictive peak/offpeak periods.
Good news for those who are chain balled to Telstra.
hmmm… i may have to switch back to telstra. they r the one ones who i can get adsl 2 off at my address. left them long ago when they're plans were terrible but this is pretty good. gonna have to look into it…
Thanks for posting. I recently switched to their 50gb/mth cable plan @$109.95, so this is fantastic news! Problem is, they won't let me change plans again this month… time to call and hassle them!
same! switched at the end of last month to the same plan I was already on but it had gone down $10, so technically hadn't changed, plus it was last month! I'll hassle them monday.
Seems it will be automatically made available to existing customers on those plans:
Existing customers on the BigPond Turbo Liberty (2GB), BigPond Elite Liberty (2GB), BigPond Elite Liberty (100GB) and BigPond Elite Liberty (200GB) plans will automatically receive the new pricing available to new customers from 25 July, 2010.
Good, I don't have to tell my friends on Telstra then. Me, I left long ago and went for Naked ADSL.
Plans like this will be available on other ISP's soon i bet.
Not going to rush into a 24 month contract.
totally agree.
Apparently these new plans are cheaper than the wholesale prices Telsta charge other ISPs.
But I'm sure other ISPs who don't use Telstra's backbone to host their users will offer similar plans, if they don't already.
Love this post!! , just doubled my Cable plan from 25Gb to 50gb, got a higher download speed and saved $10 a month all with with a few clicks….
I'll change as soon as they open their call center… no internet rollover form. :(
I just called 137663 (Bigpond) which is open :)
i do believe you need a fixed home line with telstra and one of the following - BigPond Wireless broadband, FOXTEL from Telstra service or Telstra post-paid mobile. all on the second bill. correct me if i'm wrong
yup thats why they call it a bundle discount
but a fixed home line and mobile is not required to qualify for the new plan options
Love it. Just double my plan data allowance to 50gb.
Are these plans really much better than the bundle plans released last month? I recommended the telstra bundle plan to a friend of mine a few days ago-
Telstra HomeLine® Ultimate
You get Unlimited local calls
Unlimited STD calls
Unlimited calls to ALL mobiles in Aus
T-Box (if you don't want the tbox its $10 cheaper)
200GB ADSL2+
For $159
If this plan is better I will recommend this one instead.
I think with these plans, you can choose a different landline plan. So you could just get Homeline Budget with the 200GB plan instead of the Homeline Ultimate. It'll depend on how much you will use your landline.
Too bad it's bigpond.
Agreed…their billing and service departments are usually a case of hit or miss.
signed up weeks ago.
nothings happened.
awesome customer service and systems in place. not!
As long as that previous post remains unpublished, I don't think you can call this one a dupe. :P
Yeah I guess.
Well, I now agree with you that this is a dupe since your post has now been republished! Heh.
don't internode provide adsl2 using telstra adsl2 dslams now?
Only on the "Fast" plans. Those plans are aimed at people in locations where there is only Telstra infrastructure available.
If I'm already on an ADSL2+ with telstra will I have to recontract?
Or can I get 140 more gigabytes for $80 less with no hitches?
Would very much like to know…
Call up telstra and ask. We have changed our plan practically every month of late (upgraded for cheaper or more gigs for the same price) due to the constant release of cheaper and more generous plans by telstra. As we are on a bundled deal we can't change our broadband plan online, but we've had quick service over the phone (BUT make sure you call during business hours or they're pretty useless for this kind of stuff when calls get diverted to their overseas phone service centre afterhours Zzzzz).
wow… telstra is getting cheaper…
Has anyone use TBOX before?
I've not personally used it but from the training I got on it, it looks like an amazing device.
You can get it out right for $299 or have an MRO of $11/month plus $35 upfront.
Some of the key features:
Attractive Program guide, the best I have seen.
PVR function
Stream Bigpond channels which is unmetered
Download bigpond movies directly to the HDD.
I predict sales of wd20ears will go through the roof…
24 month contract? deal breaker right there.
TPG is bringing out the UNLIMITED (literally) plan
It's only available in Sydney yet.
But it should be available within 24 months.
What's the point when everything(upload/download) gets counted.
200G won't get you far if you use torrents a lot.
I'll stick with TPG although it fails at times.
kazines - there are other people here who live outside of Sydney who cant get TPG. So now we all vote down TPG offers if we dont live in a big city - get a grip, not all deals suit everyone. If we all neg deals because they dont suit we'll never see a Mac/PC TPG? Telstra ?Optus Vodafone deal here again as it will get into, the hey its pink and I like blue debate.
As for getting a proper broadband weren't we promised one by Conroy and co, they said it would be "completed" by now, we are only getting started. So with over $43 billion even the govt cant get this up and running in time, and why? So it can encourage piracy of movies etc via torrents. And you know ever since NBN was announced all our "friends" like TPG and co have stopped putting infastructure in exchanges. They aren't stupid, they know its never going to be used after NBN. But hey yes lets have Telstra do it
AND as the OP says - this may suit those who can only get ADSL2 from Telstra. So your neg vote is revoked as your issue is already declared in the original posting for all to see (read our guidelines in the wiki)
Though TPG has large quotas, if you're an avid gamer who uses US servers (WoW, HoN etc), than the 40-100ms ping reduction by going with someone who's not TPG may well be worth the money
Well said ozpete. As one who cant get TPG this telstra offer is attractive
Mods - this one is a dupe but you can delete mine if you want so there's only one -
If I bundle my Foxtel to get the 69.95 deal, will it make my foxtel more expensive per month? Im only on the base package plus sport and IQ, which is $68 per month….
Tempting as I'm another with only Telstra ADSL2+ available to me.
Question, with the 200GB plan whats the line rental costing? I'm currently on Homeline Budget $21/month. Would I be able to keep that or end up on some >$30/month plan? I haven't made a landline call in >3 years :)
I know I should ring and ask, just a bit busy at the moment. If no answers when I get back I'll ring and report my findings here :)
you can get the deal on homeline budget, that's what i'm doing, homeline budget, 200gig adsl2+, and i also have a mobile on a $20 plan that my parents use for emergencies, so i can get the discounted $69.95 deal.. :) also using exetel voip with an add on pack so i get 100 calls for $5 and free DID number… couldn't be happier :) unless they have a 500 gig plan for $19.95 ;)
Have you got a link for the Exetel add on packs? Couldn't find them on their site.
As much as these plans are a big improvement (in some respects) there is still something to be said for ringing up and asking for a better deal.
A friend of mine who has no other option than Telstra Cable upgraded his plan so he now gets 25 gig for $49, as opposed to $59 for 12 gig that he was getting. None of these new plans were of any use for him as he neither wants nor needs a landline and has no other Telstra or Foxtel services.
Supposedly the CSR told him that this "offer" will cease to exist from tomorrow.
Yeah there definitely is an advantage in ringing up to ask for a better deal. I did that recently before these new plans were announced and they offered me a $40/mth bundle discount if I signed up for a home line ($21/mth). Catch was I had to recontract, but given the other ISP options available (ie: none for me) it made little difference.
Oh and I just changed my cable plan to the new prices without affecting the bundle discount too! :D
can anyone tell me should i get this adsl2 or cable and how much are their different, i currently going to sign back with telstra phone line but i dont have mobile with telstra or fox, will they still give me the 69.95 deal? also cable and adsl2 which is quicker? thanks anyone
I recommend you head over to and post in the Telstra section in the forum. It's really difficult to give you an accurate answer without info like your location.
Both are equally slow. If you live very close to the exchange I would recommend getting ADSL2+.
Cable is fast regardless of distance but when you have multiple users on the same line downloading a lot of stuff the speed will reduce.
Awesome if you want to support internet filtering.
id go cable over adsl2+
getting 30mbit speeds :D
Excellent deal for me as I'm in the Laverton exchange (Telstra only ADSL2+)
$59 + $20 = $79 per month of 50gig of data is fantastic!!!
I also managed to bring down my connection charges from $299 (first time connection) to $55 :)
For me the $$'s are more important then the data.
I'm on a Optus plan for $49.99 gets you 120Gigs. More then enough. :)
What happens if I want to get the Telstra $20.95 Home Phone Budget plan, how much will I be paying for the 200GB broadband now?
You should edit the description since this is available to cable customers as well.