hey guys i know a lot of people missed out on the For Honor keys as the 700 provided by Stevivor are all gone. However its not too late to grab a key ubisoft are running a promotion you just click on the link select date of birth, choose between the three classes, customise your weapon and at the end you are provided with a key. the process takes no longer than 30 seconds to a minute to complete. My friends and i used this method to grab our keys around 5 minutes ago. enjoy :)
For Honor Beta Keys via SCARS Ubisoft promotion

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Go to deal…
Cheers, thanks for that.
Having trouble getting past the weapon scar section. Do we have to view them all before the 'customise your weapon '?
Need to scroll down, the character will die. You'll then need to customize your weapon to avenge the death.
Yeah I'm not sure what was going on with my scroll. It didn't seem very responsive and it felt like I had to scroll for pages before it went down past the last nodule. All good now.
Thxmines not scrolling
The are symbols to the left that you can click through instead of scrolling.
Yeah there are, and I used them too, but they only got me to the last step where I got stuck.
I'm not sure really how I eventually got it to work. I went and watched all the videos for the Viking guy, well, skipped through them all, and perhaps that is how it finally worked for me.
Can't get past weapon customisation either. I "validate" my weapon, and have even shared it on Twitter. Then nothing.
Couldn't find the download sizes, but for Xbox One, it's 32.73 GB. I'd assume PS4/PC would be similar.
The Beta for the Xbox One is 26GB. The one that's linked is the full game itself.
18.34 GB to download on PC, 20.5 GB when installed
Where are you getting those numbers from?
Preloading the beta on Uplay
21.7GB for PS4.
Keep getting a 'login error' when trying to get a code, pretty typical. Ubisoft's infrastructure has been particularly garbage for months now. Worthless company at the moment, hope Vivendi really shakes things up. Thanks anyway OP…
Getting the same problem, even after a password reset.
I ended up trying with Edge browser and it worked, for some reason. Give it a go!
Is a different code provided for different platforms?
You select the platform when you redeem it
what exactly is a "Beta key" is it a trial version?
Pretty much. "Beta" versions in software are generally for testing purposes (at that point they are usually feature complete). Most of the time public betas are just for testing their servers so it's pretty much just a limited demo of the full version with maybe a few minor issues
Cheers, just got one.
Just got one!
can we pre download the beta before it starts ?
PC version is allowing me to preload now, I'm assuming it's the same on both consoles as well
how ru doing that? on their website? or in the uplay client? cos i redeemed my beta key but i dont see for honor in my uplay client or on their website
You have to download the 'Uplay' client, which is Ubi's version of steam. The game should then appear in your games list. However, it hasn't appeared in my games list. Per Ubi forums this is happening to a fair few people. I would be interest to know how @shadowStealer7 got to preload.
dude i said "or in the uplay client?" i know what the uplay client is i was asking how he pre loaded
and it hasnt appeared in my games list too@bfunky: It's sitting in my library in Uplay, but I did do this a few days ago so they're probably having a hard time keeping up with all the new closed beta enrollments
Cool got it
what the hell did i just scroll through. i died somehow.
EDIT: all good, thanks OP ;)
you're welcome enjoy the Beta :)
Great! Now, if only there was time to actually play these damn games…
How do I redeem the code for the Xbone? Do I do that on the Xbone in the "Store" part?
EDIT: Nevermind, I just kept going in the browser to "Redeem" and it lets you select your platform of choice
Thanks, keen as a bean for this one
Wouldn't work on Chrome or Edge for me at the final stage to login to uPlay, worked on my phone though! Thanks OP!
Sorry i should have mentioned that if you have trouble Redeeming either try another browser or use a mobile device. i had to use Microsft Edge as chrome wasn't displaying my key
At the redeem website: "Unfortunately you are not eligible at this time".
Try a different browser, it didn't work for me on Chrome but worked fine on Edge
Thanks. It took a while but it eventually appeared in my Uplay library.
Got it, thanks!
+1 thanks heaps.
Worked on firefox.
preloading on pc at 5MB/s :D
Cheers OP. By the way, you can skip to the weapon customisation stage using this url: https://scars.forhonorgame.com/en-GB/custom.html
Saves like a minute if you're only interested in the beta key
not sure what i'm doing wrong :/ get to the sword bit and all i can do is share weapon or validate when I change something, what am i missing? thanks in advance for any help. i have tried different browsers
I have the same issue, regardless of browser. Maybe all the keys are gone?
I think that's the case 😏.
If the choppiness of the webpage is anything to go by, I definitely need a new gfx card before I bother with this game :(
Here's a key that I got from the Stevivor deal:
HOW TO REDEEM YOUR CODE: 1. Go to the following website: www.forhonorgame.com/betaredeem 2. Log in with your Uplay account 3. Select the platform on which you want to play 4. Redeem the code above to unlock your access to the Closed Beta 5. You will get your access key and more information when the Closed Beta starts. If you play on PC the game will be automatically added to your Uplay library.
Remove all lowercase o's and post if you redeem the key :)
Thank you! Worked :)
someone already used, thanks for the generosity thou!
Wish they'd let us play during Australia day.
i keep getting stuck after the create my weapon part after i die , what do i do from there ?
Hey did you get it to work?
Don't think they are giving out keys anymore
Tried PMing you but says "Zetrox2k does not accept new private conversations" :P
Fixed PM's, sorry about that, never touched the setting. try now.
Ill send invite to first three PM's
EDIT: Actually need Uplay name. Need to add as friend to invite.
All keys now redeemed.
Hey mate I'd be keen for one.
Fixed PM's, Try now
Ill send invite to first three PM's
EDIT: Actually need Uplay name. Need to add as friend to invite.
All keys now redeemed.
God friggen damn it, the daily newsletters are SO USELESS. EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS FINISHED BY THE TIME I SEE IT. GRRRRRRRRR.
lol pm me your email man, ill send u a pc invite
I'd PM you for one but you have new PMs turned off :D
Fixed PM's, Try now.
Ill send invite to first three PM's
EDIT: Actually need Uplay name. Need to add as friend to invite.
What does everyone think so far? Been a lot of network issues as expected with the infamous Ubisoft servers but other than that it's quite good.
Ubisoft cheaped out again using p2p rather than having servers and it most likely will not change after the game launches. I felt that the game was a bit arcadey and the movement seemed clunky compared to the Souls series so I probably won't buy it although I appreciate participating in a beta. I'll admit that I did enjoy reading all the shitposts about how samurais are played by weeaboos.
no link? cant find it