Why MyUS Stinks! - after 6 Months of Use I Have Had Enough!

After using MYUS for a while I have had enough so I have summarised 7 reasons why they just stink.

1/ You can not call MYUS by phone.

2/ MYUS claims to have 24/7 customer service really you won't get a response from an email for 72 hours.

3/ MYUS claims to have freight charges based on weight to save you money, great if you just send pillows or empty boxes. There is a reason why NOBODY else calculates freight this way so if you send anything heavy you will pay a LOT.

4/ MYUS may claim to be giving you a discount,but obviously if the starting price is inflated to start with the cost is still excessive.

5 /If you want to change a delivery address for a package once its on route it must be done by MYUS last time I tried it took 4 days for this too happen, and they rerouted the item back to Sydney then back to Melbourne. Even though I was paying for a Fedex express 4 day delivery.

6/ MYUS will take at least 72 hours from the time they receive an item to it appearing in your suite, and they say MYUS is efficient and prides itself on customer service.

7/ And to top it all off if you want to cancel your account and stop the ongoing charges they won't do it until they have tried to talk you out of it, nope not even when you ask them by email or chat.

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  • +2

    Why MyUS Stinks

    Trumps only been POTUS for 4 days.

  • +1

    Thanks for letting us know. I don't even know who or what a MYUS is, now I don't need to.

  • +1

    User creates a new account to post this review….

    How do we even know what he/she claim is true ?

  • I agree, just tried it.. never again..
    Thought Id get 2x ZMI QB810 powerbanks (BLACK) from Amazon

    Here's the breakdown:
    Cost of 2x items from Amazon US$40.98 (free delivery to US address)
    Weight 0.78 lbs (354g) +packaging.
    MY US Website lists shipping rate as US$19.99 for 1 lb
    I think its ok and go for it..

    Shipping with MYUS
    Claimed value US$60 (should be clearly written on Amazon packaging)
    Claimed weight 1.3 lbs (590g)
    Cheapest shipping US$30.98
    Special Handling fee US$18.50 (for lithium batteries)
    Insurance - removed to reduce cost.
    AUS GST US$7.30
    "Anything" else extra, they charge. eg.US$7 to look at removing excess packaging.
    Sub Total US$56.78 - less 30% discount on first month
    Total Shipping Cost US$47.49 (A$64) for less than 500g (including the 30% discount)

    Live chat? Once connected, ask question, wait minutes for response, ask and wait again, answers not helpful -> Give up
    Care factor of operator - zero.

    Total Cost of 2x ZMI QB810 power banks US$88.47 (A$120).
    All in all, a costly way for me to get the BLACKcolour when I could have got 2x WHITEones for A$75.98 on eBay
    Unless you're desperate for an item that you cannot get from another source (eBay,AliExpress,Gearbest,etc..) I would think twice about using these guys and probably all of the US to AUS shippers alltogther..

    Just my experience, but might be of benefit for others.. :)

  • Just following on:
    I received the package and yeap.. an abundance of unnecessary packaging and weight to increase the cost.. very scammy..
    See for yourselves

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