Moving out, How Much Will a Couple Pay a Week in Bills?


My girlfriend & I of almost 4 years are looking to move out from our houses to our own place ASAP. I'm almost 19 and in a secure full time position and my girlfriend hopes to find a causal position. I'm aware I could stay at home and study, but my girlfriend is keen to move out due to her relationship with her step father.

My question to you, if you are a couple (just two) how much do you spend on your bills as I am trying to find out what we should expect. I've used some calculators but my father seems to think they are way off.

Water bill useage?
Power bill useage?
Weekly food bill?



  • 800-900 a week, rent, food, bills

    Rent is 450, food approx 150, the rest is an avg over the year for cars, Internet, phones etc

  • So many variables… Buying or renting? Buying you have council rates, mortgage repayments, strata payments (if it's a unit).

    Renting you obviously have to pay rent, but you don't need to worry about rates or water, owner pays this.

    Electricity shouldnt be more than $200-$300 per quarter, but could be more if use a/c a lot.

    You could have Gas, that could cost $150-$300 per quarter, more or less depending on how much you cook with gas or if the water is gas heated, or if there is a gas heater.

    The thing that will usually be the most costly for people in your age bracket is going out/entertainment. If you regularly go out to dinner, movies, pub/club, etc this stuff adds up.

    If you are honest with your calculator figures, I don't see how you could be way off? Can't you just check your current household bills and expenses and divide by home many people live there and then add the missing stuff? Is that close to your calculator results?

  • Can be as cheap as you want it or as expensive as you want it.

    Get a chest freezer and convert it to a chest fridge via a thermostat tweak and you can cut down on electricity costs by a lot.

    Food is up to you.. Can be as expensive as a $40 restaurant dinner once a week with cereal and bread and pasta for the rest of the week.

    Water usage is also dependent on you some people take long showers some don't.

    Wading and laundry will actually probably take some power bills off also air conditioning boosts your bills up by a lot. Its actually cheaper to shower than have a/c running.

  • +7

    Listen to your dad, if your girlfriend doesn't have a job and needs you to pay for her moving out, your dad might be onto something.

  • +1

    Your young so a shared house should be on your list. This will keep your rent costs down

  • +1

    First you need to tell us…

    Which city you're in, where you want to live,

    If you have/need a car


  • Bills per Month 2 People
    $100 Electricity (this may have gone up since increase in rates from Jan 1)
    $70 Water
    $73 Internet and home phone
    $83 Two Mobile phones
    $132 Rego two vehicles
    $136 Insurance two vehicles

    Above excludes rents, rates & taxes etc.

    I've left out food, petrol and going out as these can be more variable the above is fairly fixed for me.

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