This was posted 7 years 5 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Raspberry Pi 3 - Game Console Packages $119.95 > $109.95, $165.95 > $145.95 Shipped @ Raspberry Pie



Hi everyone,

Firstly let me thank everyone for their massive support over the last 24 hours, it's been very heartwarming.

Sadly due to what we believe this post and some people reporting it, we have been contacted by the people at Recalbox who have told us we can no longer "sell" their product and been told to take this down.

Again I really really am grateful for everything this post has done and hopefully we will be back bigger, badder and better than ever before :) :)

EDITEDIT: All sold out, lots of love.

EDIT: at the time of writing there are two 64GB bundles left. Maybe when we reopen in a new state we will have an opening sale. Big thanks to everyone for visiting, voting and commenting. <3
For any updates in future please like our page on Facebook and we will update when we are back online :) happy gaming!!

Hi all,

We're a small run out of home business moving back to Tasmania soon so we want to clear out some stock to save our moving costs!

We have two of our GamePi 3 items on sale.

GamePi3 - with 2 wired SNES style USB controllers
Was $119.95
Now $109.95
This includes free express shipping in the order

GamePi3 - with 2 Bluetooth PlayStation style Bluetooth controllers
Was $165.95
Now $149.95
Also includes free express shipping

We're very proud of our GamePi system and have sold hundreds off them off eBay and our own website. Everything is included in the box that you need including power cable, HDMI cable etc

Our systems run RecalBox which you can find more info here

We fully support people building their own RecalBox but our kit comes with everything in one box, heaps of box art and game info is loaded up to save extra tinkering around.

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closed Comments

      • +1

        Regardless of how small and unprofitable your business was, it doesn't change the fact that you're making money off unlicensed software. While what you are doing is at the benefit of us as consumers, crying foul that you've been "dobbed in" is a bit rich in my eyes.

        • ^^^ the mole reveals himself ^^^

        • +1

          @insular: I didn't see this post till well after it was taken down, but I'm just telling it how it is. I've downloaded my fair share of retro ROMs in the past but this is a black and white case, so sorry to be devils advocate.

      • Ozb has a habit of attracting some complete assholes unfortunately. Probably was woosty or atkh who reported it.

        • Right on brother

        • If you mean me? I guess you mean me. It wasn't, I supplied an alternative and did some research… Something the seller should've done from the beginning..

          Nothing would stop someone else from doing exactly what I did and being an ass.

          But hey, the seller didn't even acknowledge those posts, because he knew he was in the wrong.

        • @athk: true someone did - seller not exactly making cash hand over fist on these deals - merely saving someone time it takes to setup Rpi for gaming (and it is very time consuming)

        • +1

          Well assuming what the OP says is correct, he should be making around $20 or so if it wasn't on sale as he does not want to pay for the moving costs so the OP is making a fair amount of money without being licenced and should of done it the correct way.

          Note: I did not dob him in but I've experienced situations like this in the past and it's better to just read what you Can and can't do.

        • @centrelink: $20 is a lot?

        • @BargainKen:

          It's not really about the cash, it's the license or lack of and disrespect to the people who have put hours and hours of work into this. It's people like this (OP) who kill open source projects because they want a small profit which isn't even worth it.

          Let's hypothetically say Recalbox is the only product of its type in world and tons of people selling Recalbox without asking permission/getting a license.

          Recalbox decides enough is enough now everyone has to pay $10 per month, and $10 per emulator pack. On top of that they actively pursues anyone selling or using the product and has successfully sued them..

          So there you go, you've killed a once free product, you have to pay or get sued.

          This is why we can't have nice things.

        • @athk: yup and some do-gooder took it upon your self to right this abhorrent injustice! Good job! Can always ship it with instructions on how to make the bootable media I suppose. Have fun figuring it out, I know I did!

        • @BargainKen:

          took it upon your self to right this abhorrent injustice!

          You referring to me here or am I just reading it wrong?

          Can always ship it with instructions on how to make the bootable media I suppose.

          Imagine the support requests..

        • @BargainKen:

          Per sell yes?

          You should check out how much profit MSY makes per sale.. it will make this look good..

          Even eb games very little with $100 games compared to this..

        • @centrelink: all good except this would sell in volume like the gear sold at eb games. Very niche market here and I can attest a complete and utter pain in the arse to setup (albeit learning was fun). For someone who just wants to pick it up and run this is a good deal. $20 would be 1-2 hrs work at the lowest wage level after taxes. Not everyone has the time nor inclination set one of these up from scratch.

        • @BargainKen:

          You are assuming OP would do it one at a time. I am guessing he is making them 5-10 at a time… because it would be pretty dumb to do it 1 at a time.

        • @centrelink: you're assuming they sell at volume. Which I highly doubt. Personally on such a low margin I wouldn't even bother. All I can see here is a reasonable deal with a small markup for convenience and some do-gooders tearing that down cuz they can. Having setup my own I can appreciate the convenience this offers an end-user, unless your time is worth absolutely nothing to you.

        • @athk: it's far from plug n play in its raw form. Myself getting the ps3 controller paid was a stumbling block but the permissions issue I faced on the Roms folder took some time to workout.

        • @BargainKen: but OP is selling in volume hence this thread to sell off his goods. also mentions somewhere in This deal that he buys the r Pi at a discounted price so it means he is buying stock in volume and not one at a time

        • +1


          It would be multiples at a time, it's simple, you set it all up once and take a copy of the SD card using win32diskimager as per all the setup guides for Windows and RPI.

          I actually do this all the time to make a full backup of the SD cards for all my RPI's, makes a failure easy to deal with..

          Guess what I'm saying is, the work at first would've been an hour or so to setup everything and test it, clone the SD card for later use.

          As the OP had a stock level all he had to do was flash that image onto the SD cards (again using win32disk) for the amount he wanted to sell which take around 10 - 20 minutes each and that's it..

          Easy money.

        • @athk: is that possible? if so, then it is easy money…

        • +1


          Yes, you can do it on any OS using the software RaspberryPi suggests on the installation pages, take Windows for example -…

          Instead of using write, you would use the Read button and it will backup the entire SD card for you into the correct format for you to use the write button on another SD card.

          Simple stuff really.

        • @athk: duplicating once setup easy enough. Setting up from scratch not so much.

        • @BargainKen:

          That's my point… it only had to be done once…

        • @BargainKen: it's not that hard if you are just following step by step instructions that you can online. A long while yes but not difficult at all.

        • @athk: & BargainKen's point is that it saves the buyer from having to do it that once and invest the time. So what if the seller can scale and do things more efficiently/cost effective, isn't that the goal of most businesses? Do you think a coffee shop spends the same time and cost on each coffee produced as it would for someone to make the equivalent at home?

        • @Bullion Baron: wouldn't making coffee at home and getting a barista to make one for you take the same amount of time anyways?

      • +1

        Switch to retropie? Plenty of people selling them on ebay running it…

        • That's the plan my good friend :) oh we will be back.

          Thanks for your comment

      • Yeah and i bet he/she had to pause their torrents to send the email and dob you in.

        Ffs this is a shit thing to happen, you thrown a branch of good faith and discount some items and well ffs.

        • Thanks for your comment :)

      • Dont know why recalbox is having a cry when you are installing their software which is a free open sauce os powered by linux and anyone who is wanting money for a linux distro should be shot.

        • Thanks for the comment :)

        • +1

          It is perfectly reasonable to ask for money for a linux distribution. Canonical, Redhat & Oracle are a few examples.

          Earlier in the comments we have several people justifying why @Ignignort should be able to charge for time and knowledge to put the systems together. If @Ignignort doesn't like the rules of Recalbox, then options exist. That is the beauty of open source.

        • +1


          Yep thanks :)

      • I dont get it, what did they do? How can someone stop your business? Is what u doing illegal?

        • +1

          It's only illegal because OP didn't ask for permission to sell Recalbox as part of his little package and a DMCA was issued by them for OP to stop.

          Not sure why he thought he'd get away with it (if he knew about it) anyway.

        • +1

          Even then I see some legal issues with the sellers products anyways. Looking at the facebook page it shows the seller sells a controller that looks quite similar to Nintendo's SNES controller and I would say Nintendo could send a cease and desist/ take to court anytime they feel like it if they wanted to, assuming Nintendo has patented and copyrighted their controller designs.

        • @centrelink:

          To be fair the controller was made a long long time ago what 30 years? Doesn't that make the copyright void? I'm not a specialist in this area, perhaps someone can speak up on this.

          The NES and SNES controllers are ripe on ebay surely there's no issue with them if they still selling them.

    • Thanks :)

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