Looking for the Gigabyet G1 GTX1080, which is retailing about $950 (through the likes of MSY, CentreCom)…does anyone know if there is a upcoming sale or deal for this card coming through? (ie bundling with software, etc)
Any New GTX1080 Deals Coming through?

There was no 1080Ti showcased at this years CES, but it'll probably show up in the next 2-3 months.
Sorry I meant PAX
With respect, if you are after value, a 1070 is better. Got mine for $568 with a bonus gears 4 code (EVGA SC model). The 1080 generally has around 25% or so more performance than the 1070, not worth almost double the price in my opinion. That, or wait for the 1080ti. Unless you want 144hz 1080p or single card 4K" 1080 isn't really worth it, IMO.
In regards to deals for the 1080, look for them on Amazon U.S. GPUs are overpriced in Aus. I got my 1070 in October off the U.S Amazon, , and at that time, they were atleast $100 More everywhere in Aus. (That price included shipping btw).
What monitor you running with this setup?
I would like to run a 1440p monitor, but they are far too expensive. So I bought a cheap 2560x1080 (ultrawide) while I wait for 1440p to drop in price. My monitor only cost me $250, an it is a very nice ips display from LG.
I get 60 fps in every game I play at the highest settings no problem on this monitor, which is a big plus. Not to mention the incredible mods I can run for Skyrim (original, not the "remastered" one).
nice - where did you get the monitor from ?
1070 is rock solid for 144hz, especially on 1080p. You can easily stay above 144fps in most competitive games that require a high refresh rate like LoL, DoTA, Overwatch and Counterstrike etc. Then when you play more graphically demanding titles like The Witcher 3 you'll still be over 60FPS on ultra settings, and if you dial the settings back a bit you can go higher on the FPS also.
when ebay did 20%off,1080 at pcbyte? was $767
Now that the 1080ti is released. What are your predictions on when we'll see price drops on Amazon etc?
How long can you wait? With Vega coming out soon the 1080 should get a price drop especially if the 1080ti is announced at CES.