EB Has some good managers specials this week -
Fallout 4 $23 PC / PS4 /XB1
Skyrim Special Ed $47 PS4 /XB1
Dishonored 2 LE and normal $36 PC / PS4 /XB1
Doom $19 UAC Pack and Normal PC / PS4 /XB1
ESO Gold $19 PS4 /XB1
Steep $47 PS4 /XB1
Watchdogs2 normal and deluxe $47 PS4 /XB1
FF XV King s Tale Ed $57 PS4 /XB1
and more….
Doom $19, Final Fantasy XV $57, Dishonored 2 $36 and More @ EB Games

Last edited 23/01/2017 - 10:25 by 1 other user
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I think this patch just adds some skins and a photography mode. No fixes listed.
FFXV was terrible. Started off pretty strong, but quickly fell apart after leaving the first island. The open world is wide but shallow. Side quests are uninteresting. The combat lacks depth. The magic system is neutered. The story is a mess - even by FF standards it's incomprehensible - and barely any expository or character development. Only 5-6 hours of cutscenes; most FF have 30-40 hours of cutscenes. You're expected to watch a separate film to understand the story. Why isn't the film in the game, like every other FF? Major plot points are unexplained. Major sections of the game are missing or quickly slapped together. The last third of the game was clearly rushed out the door; even by the linear standards of previous FF, this one is shocking. The last two thirds of the game there are essentially no side quests or exploration. There's even a whole world that is hinted at, then you're prevented from exploring.
I saw a youtube doco by somebody who pieced together the original story, back when it was still in the FFXIII series, the one with the blood red moon, the night and day worlds, and how Luna and Noctis were fighting each other. That looked like a much better story. The FFXV story we got was… bad.
It's a terrible game. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
Lol nahhhhhh it's good.
Not sure if you've tried side quests after beating the game. Dungeons e.g. Pitioss are highly playable.
There's no first island
It's not that bad. It isn't great. It's better than FFXIII IMO
I haven't played 15, but 13 was the last one I played and after quite a few disappointing titles (that and X-2 in particular) I feel as though the franchise has gone downhill in a big way. FF13 could not be any more linear if it tried, the story was just convoluted and threw around terminology without explaining any of it, and a pretty shitty cast of characters compared to any of the 'glory day' titles from FFVI-FFX.
@neonlight: I will probably end up giving it a go one day, but a few friends who I generally share similar views on FF games with all seemed to dislike it, and their reasons seemed pretty valid. I'm still holding out hope though!
15> 13
13 trilogy > 15
I would rate them like this:-
FFXIII-2 > FFXV > FFXIII > Lighting returns.
So no, not really.
If you want the true turn base old style FF, you need to grab FFX HD remasterd.
FF13 is the only FF game i could not stand or play. i tried it from scratch a good 3 or 4 times, and at most, could barely last 45 minutes, it was pathetic. Am replaying FF7 atm, good times!
It's a Final Fantasy for fans and newcomers.
I don't necessarily disagree with your criticisms, but this was my first FF game since FF7, and I thought it was perfectly ok.
It could have been quite a good game if not for it's shortcomings (which you mention), but I wouldn't necessarily call it terrible. Just middling. I got the platinum and put in about 60 hours, so hopefully I can speak from experience.
I will agree that the last chapter was terrible though.
"Only 5-6 hours of cutscenes; most FF have 30-40 hours of cutscenes"
Are you kidding?
lol that's what I was thinking. 5-6 hours of is already incredibly good value.
It's story is a lot shorter than older games. If you skip all the side content this is a much shorter game than older games if you skipped all the side content with those too. A lot of time went into optional side quests and the expense of main story. It has a lot more side stuff than the previous games, though I didn't think the quality matched the quantity.
Maybe he wanted like an entire netflix type season of cutscenes?
I dont think its terrible but there are parts of it i really enjoyed and parts i hated.
Combat often turns into a (profanity), world is barren, quests are uninteresting, Chapter 13 is the worst gameplay i've experienced in a AAA title, the story is absolutely incomprehensible to the point where i dont think SquareEnix really knows how to tell a story.
BUT i still enjoyed it somehow…and i think it's mainly to do with the bromance.It's definitely a flawed game but one that i enjoyed. And im really disappointed we'll never get to see its true potential.
Definitely the best one since FFX
I advise everyone play the Xenoblade Chronicles series if you want to play what I think will be the new king of JRPGS.
Played it. Gameplay is ok but Graphics is crap. I lost interest after about 10 hours.
BTW only the original Wii one is good. The rest is rubbish
I understand your sentiment. The storytelling in the game is pretty much an after thought. I played the game and at the end wondering what the story is all about.. After reading some explanations online, I thought the story is good.. unfortunately its not well incorporated within the game. They expect us to understand everything by watching Kingsglaive and picking up some vague explanation in the game through some cryptic dialogue
And yes they build up Altissia as if we're about to experience the same open world in Lucis. But very much the opposite. In fact, I felt the second half of the game is developed by a completely different team.
However, the gameplay itself is fun though. I enjoyed the side quests. What makes them good is that I feel like going on a road trip with 3 best mates. Fishing, camping, hunting and stuff. If anything they did right, I think its in the characters development.
I watched kingsglaive and it seemed like a feature film length intro cutscene for FF15. Would that be accurate? i haven't played ff15
@Blitzfx: No. Kingsglaive story happens in the middle of the FF15. So a middle of the game cutscene rather.
Square Enix releasing a major parch tomorrow that fixes huge amount of bugs so it's perfect timing if you have been waiting
LOL. The reason it was delayed 2 months to begin with was to avoid major patches that fix bugs so that those who don't have the internet can have a polished game. Guess they lied about that delay. Could have just said the game wasn't ready. No one would have minded.
Fallout 4 on PC also includes the season pass for $23
Ignore that, it is out of stock now
So Fallout 4 PC is just the standard edition. No season pass?
Looks that way, when I ordered it had bonus season pass included, they have removed this from the page now so I would guess it is just the standard edition.
@spiritek: No idea how long the stock will last, but when I checked online just now, they've updated Fallout 4 PC (still at $23) to include both "Fallout 4 Season Pass" and "Fallout: The History of Fallout" as bonus items.
@pj1351: You are right and you can pick up in store now… just cancelled my order and changed it so I get the book as well… thanks pj1351
It definitely comes with the season pass. Just bought mine
"Purchase bonus
Fallout 4 Season Pass
Purchase Fallout 4 - PC to receive a bonus Fallout 4 Season Pass!"@ZeroSoul: I would go back and tell them they're incorrect. Show them the website and ask them to put it through to see the price. Clearly states on the right that it's included
Looks like they removed the bonus from Fallout 4. So no Book or Season Pass. So must have been sold out.
@g12345567: The availability seems to be on and off now. Just reappeared on the page. Picked mine up in store with both extra items included.
Thanks. Just purchased earlier from Dee Why.
* Fallout 4 + Season Pass & History hardback book.
* Dishonoured 2 Limited Edition. Includes free bonus Dishonoured definitive edition (digital download)Staff assumed that you only get the Season Pass Pack or History book. Not both. Since there computer was showing separate entries for both bonus items with Fallout 4. Had to direct them to the web site and they agreed that both are included. And season pass was a retail pack. Not just a printed coupon code.
Brilliant, thank you. Picked up Doom, Tomb Raider and Dishonored 2 (loved the first one!)
FFXV is tempting, although I may wait till it drops sub $50…
Yep - so am I - thanks to Big W and Target Sales late last year, I have been spoilt enough to wait for games to drop to around the $30-$35 mark before I jump in….
This is a more 'limited' edition version with the bonus side-scrolling game. I don't think the bonus game is for sale, so if that interests you and you wait too long you might miss out.
Just get a credit card with price protection. You can have your cake and eat it too
Game prices drop so fast, only buy if you're going to play days within purchase.
Bought Dishonored 2 during Boxing day sale and still haven't touched it. Single player games price are dropping really fast now.
Just single player games? Titanfall 2 says hello.
Are they available in store?
Edit- oh nvm, pick up available
Is the PC version of Doom redeemable online?
You have an initial 53GB download waiting once you begin the install, so the disc is pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.
Be nice to see games released on propriety USB sticks, with room to hold all updates.
Good to know… so you do need to redeem on Steam regardless it's a physical copy?
yep its just pretty much a steam key in the box
They would charge you extra for that. How much does a USB stick cost that fits 53GB on it?
How much does a bluray disc cost? A few cents.
How much does digital cost? Nothing.
Yeah, they're going to pass on the costs.
I would definitely get the PC version, most optimized game I've played in a long time. Enjoying it far more than I thought I would.
Thanks op. Picked up doom.
DOOM is easily one of the best of 2016 IMO.
I have yet to try dishonoured 2.Dishonored 2 is awesome. If you enjoyed the gameplay of the first one, it's familiar but vastly improved in every single way. Took me 20 hours to finish it, so it's a bit longer than the first one too.
I couldn't finish the first one. My checkpoint after death was pretty much in between 10 enemies. Killed instantly after each reload :(
That sucks, If you dont have another save and its on PC I would just temporarily load a trainer if there is one.
Best shooter I've played in years. Refreshing simple yet soooo much fun!
Grabbed the UAC Doom pack, $19 is crazy cheap! Thanks OP! My brother also grabbed one too. Epic
Paid 27$ and thought it was a bargain at the time. Haven't got around to playing with it yet.
Id say thats what will happen with me too, it will sit at home for ages until i find time to play it. But its so damn cheap AND it has all the cool stuff included in the UAC pack. Cant go wrong :)
Doom at $19 is pretty good on PC, although I predict it'll be < $10 soon on cdkeys/steam
Downside is the Season Pass isn't cheap yet…
The season pass is only for multiplayer content, right?
Ahhh… for some reason I was of the mind that there was some single player campaign included? Maybe I'm mis-remembering…
Edit: Ninja'd! (Damn you old pages, deceiving me!)
Season pass is just multiplayer content sadly.I hear it's been a ghost-town on PC (for the DLC content in particular.)
Which deal is better: FFXV or Dishonored 2?
FFXV has the DLC code for A King's Tale which is exclusive. Get the Dishonored 2 limited edition for copy of dishonored 1
Ok. Which is better value if i want to sell a few months down the line?
probably ffxv since a king's tale isn't available to buy anywhere else (not even on xbox marketplace or psn).
@henrikoez: if you redeem the code for it to play it though the resale value kinda vanishes on that special edition
Picked up Doom and Dishonoured 2. I can't believe a remake of a 6 year old game (Skyrim) is more expensive than a bunch of new releases from last year.
It's not even a remake, just some up-scaled textures and improved lighting.
Goddamn, you're right. It's nothing you can't do with a $10 copy on steam and some mods.
Picked up the Doom UAC pack, cheers op!
Why does PC version of doom cost so much to deliver?
It's like $9.50 for delivery but any other game is $3.50, even for multiple games.Doom and Titanfall 2 well worth picking up
EDIT : oh and Bioshock of course !
I'm a huge fan of FF series but 13 absolutely sucked. Is XV much better?
Also I love the Fallout series but absolutely don't like the Assassin's Creed series. Will i like dishonored 2?
13 did suck but XV is better. XV does have its flaws though but its definitely worth the playthrough. Another 8 to 12 months beefing up the story would not have hurt though.
Dishonored series i would say is more like the recent deus ex titles. They revolve around stealth and encourage players to try and complete the Acts without killing (although you totally can). It plays in first person, so it looks like the POV you would have as if playing fallout. The world in itself is quite dark (think of an alternate reality 18th century England). I only finished this series last week and though I did enjoy it I felt it didn't live up to the 10/10 reviews it received.
Whats your rating of each? Im super nostalgic of the good ol times with FF7. Even if it can't live up to it at least let there be a beautiful world to explore.
I liked Deus Ex. Played half way through. Not close as much as fallout, but much more than Assassin's Creed.
I feel you, here is my ratings for those games if its anything to come by to help you decide.
Dishonored 1 - 7.5
Dishonored 2 - 8FFXV - 8-8.5
FF7 - 10Fallout NV - 9
Fallout 4 - 7.5@joeno: Not a bad buy, I am sure there will be a later edition for FF later in the year anyway that includes all the DLC to come out, or the PC version.
Don't see why there isn't a PC version of FFXV most of the other FF games have been released on PC.
Main Final Fantasy: III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI: Online, XIII, XIV: Online,
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (2013) [MMORPG]
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (2014)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2014)
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (2015)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (2015)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (2016)@g12345567: It will be released. The devs have said they want to port it but it will take about a year to port it. The FFXII zodiac job edition is coming out on PS4 this year, they always milk the console market and then port the titles to PC (FFX & FFXIII went through this). SO we should see FFXII and maybe XV sometime 2018 hopefully sooner than later.
Did anyone else get an email titled "We have some bad news"? I ordered Doom UAC and was told they didn't have it at the store I selected and also don't have in the warehouse! Their inventory system needs an upgrade…
Yep, exact same thing happened to me. Most frustrating thing is that it still appears to be in stock for delivery - Surely that means that it IS in fact in stock at their warehouse.. Lying bastards. What a waste of my time.
Same here
Ordered Doom UAC and Dishonoured 2 - great prices!
However, like someone else mentioned here, I'll only believe it once it's in my hands - I've been burned by cheap EB games in the past. I ordered a bunch (5+) really cheap pre-owned games during a sale… Exactly zero of them were actually available. It's much more disappointing when you think you can get them.
Went to eBgames at the glen and got fallout 4 and doom for $19 each
Interesting not one person has mentioned Watch Dogs 2. That game seems to be dying on its arse. They've had to do a free trial to try get people interested on PS4. Surprised it isn't cheaper than $47
Don't forget to buy EB giftcards from WOW at additional 5-7% off ;)
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Great price for ffxvL, amazing game with incredible visuals.
Square Enix releasing a major parch tomorrow that fixes huge amount of bugs so it's perfect timing if you have been waiting