Congratulation chrisg for #1 Spot in Top Users List

When I logged into OzBargain this evening, and was absolutely astonished to find out that chrisg has overtaken me to be the Number 1 spot on the Top Users List!!


Shouldn't be a big surprise I guess, consider 6 out of 15 front page deals were posted by him. Congratulation! Sorry there is no prize for being at the #1 spot :)

See my blog post a few days ago on how the top users list is generated. I am still tuning the parameters but hopefully the list will truly represent who are the top contributors here.


  • Wow number 1!

    Tell the truth reason for all the deals is out of sheer boredom!!

    I been stuck in bed and away from work on sick leave for past two weeks so I cant do much but surf the net on my laptop as i heal up.

    so all those who got some good deals in the past two weeks can thank my sinus surgery and my emplyoer for giving me two weeks off work!

    • In that case I won't wish you get well soon so we can get more good deals :)

      • Agree - thanks chrisg for your hard work!

  • From the actual score (which is hidden), it looks like chrisg is way ahead of the #2 spot, as the deals he posted got lots of votes. It is going to take a while to catch up…

    I have also added another column on the Top Users list to show the ranking offset from your ranking 3 days ago. So

    • "new" — you were outside the top 25 3 days ago, and you only managed to get onto the list over the last 3 days.
    • "+ number" — your ranking has climbed over the last 3 days.
    • "- number" — your ranking has slipped over the last 3 days.

    Score + ranking are logged once per day for future references. What other interesting uses for historical top users ranking?

  • wow, i even way pass the #2 spot……there got to be a prize for that ;)

    I missed out this week deal prize to free slurpee, nodboy can beat a slurpee!

  • Interesting. I love this new feature!

    Btw, congrats to foundit who have now overthrown chrisg from his throne of glory! :)

  • Scotty maybe you should come up with some way that if you comment on the OzBargain Blog you get points too?

    • Unfortunately the databases are not linked. Actually the blog and this main site are hosted on two different servers (San Jose and Melbourne) — it would be a bit of work to get all the points consolidated.

      You do get points for commenting here though :)

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