I've been in the market for a fridge for a while now. Came across this fridge advertised by TGG which seemed like a good deal when compared to some of the other popular retailers.
HN - http://www.harveynorman.com.au/kelvinator-460l-top-mount-fri…
AO - http://search.appliancesonline.com.au/search?w=KTM4602WA-R
Shipping was between $50-69 for metro Victoria. 3.5 star energy rating.
Reviews seems ok. Canstar Blue "It’s rated at 3.5 stars for energy-efficiency, and uses 385kWh, which could cost around $127 a year to run." (http://www.canstarblue.com.au/appliances/kitchen/refrigerato…)
Good first post.