• expired
  • targeted

$20 off Uber Ride through Google Maps on Phone


Just looked for directions to my favourite bar and google maps on my phone offers me $20 off using Uber to get there.

I checked from my laptop and it doesn't offer it from there.

EDIT I went through the ordering process and it works perfectly well. I'm not a new user. The discount gets applied.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (220)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (245)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Sweet. Just checked on my samsung google maps and the offer is there. Great spot, cheers will use tonight

    • +36

      Hooray! My first post on OzB was widely condemned (rightly so). Someone even said "…perhaps we could make it the most down voted deal of all time?"

      I feel good that this is a good deal!

      • Good job!

      • +5

        Lol damn "condemned". That sounds so harsh hahaha

        Just remember though a good deal is a good deal.. it doesn't matter who posts it. It works the same way. Anyone is capable of posting a crappy deal and it's cause the deal sucks. Not you.

        • +3

          Thanks mate. How do it get onto user "franco cozzo" and tell him that I'm no longer a failure?

        • @franco cozzo: Haha! Franco Cozzo. I knew I could recover!

        • @muto: Haha I don't think that's how i works.

          You just changed the text which would normally be your username to that person's username.

          For example, do you get a notification for this reply? If you do, it's only because I've replied to this comment. Not because of the tag/linking


          @scotty: oi give me 1% share of Ozbargain!

        • @illumination: Damn it!

        • +1


          In fact..

          You could make it extremely random. All it is is a link.

          @Transport Minister of NSW: Make public transport cheaper!!

          @Justin Bieber: You should go and love yourself

          @Donald Trump: You're fired.

        • @illumination: BAAAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant.

      • Out of curiosity, I read through the comments on your other post; ouch. Love your spirit though, keep it up (Y)

      • How was that watch?

      • never give up on the ozbargain dream…where is link to first post?

  • I don't see it on mine. Restarting my phone to see if it would help. I'm in WA for reference.

    • Does it have the little icon to choose the man with a briefcase hailing a cab? It's where the options for walking, car, PT etc are.

      • Yep. I restarted, still isn't there. It shows normal prices listing down uberX, uberXL, and UberBLACK. No $20 off shown. Potentially targeted? Or not for WA residents.

        • -6

          dont worry, its for new users only

        • -1


          Thanks, I read the official page too. New users only.

        • @Zaenille: i'm not a new user and see the offer on my android phone, but not iphone.

          edit: updated app on iphone and now have offer

    • +3

      Maybe you need to update app as the uber feature is new

  • -2

    i can see it

    i didnt go past the uber offer, but do you have to download the app or just press request

  • +2

    Here is the 'official' announcement.

    Seems AUD is getting 20$ where US gets 15$ USD. And many report yes that it works for existing customers too.


      • +1

        No, he said existing customers too. I use Uber a lot and I still see the offer. Haven't tried it yet though.

        • -6

          To get started, all you have to do is open the ride services tab on Google Maps and tap on “REQUEST” to take a ride. For a limited time, all new riders in the U.S. will receive $15 off their first ride.

          If its working for existing users, uber will probably fix the bug sooon

        • @easternculture: It definitely works for me. I'm an existing user.

  • Looked on my S7 Edge, Melbourne. No offer :'(

  • +2

    Its say "free first ride (up to $20 with code GOOGLE)"

  • Weird, this shows up on my phone, but when I got some colleagues to check their phones (both also use Uber) it didn't show up on either of theirs. I'm guessing it's targeted

    • Should I update the title to say possibly targeted?

      • I can't tell if it is targeted or somehow connected to the fact they are both using older Samsungs

  • For new users only there always seems to be a code floating around for $20 e.g. AVALON (https://www.avalonairport.com.au/getting-to-avalon/uber).

    If this worked for existing users as reported then it would be amazing.

    • Works for me. Not a new user.

    • I got the only for new users message

  • +1

    It probably looks to see if you have the app or uses your Google user id to check if you are an existing customer.

    I didn't get the offer.

    • It asked me to link my Uber with my google account. Then it worked fine. Discount added.

      • How do you link your google and Uber account?

  • -3

    New user only

    • +1

      Nope. Works for me.

      • ok..

        • +1

          Nope. Also worked for me and been on Uber for couple years

  • not working for me in Melbourne.

  • +1

    No mention of first ride here.
    Just says $20 off for booking through the maps app.
    Worked perfectly even though I already have an uber account, thanks!

    • Same. Not new user only.

  • Not seeing it in Brisbane :(

    • +1

      I'm in Brisbane and seeing the offer appear. Running latest Google Maps on iPhone 6s iOS 10.2.

      • I got the missus to check her and she has it! Free ride to dinner that was booked with Dimmi 50% Jan :D #neverpayfullprice hahah

    • Try clicking the navigate/car icon after you've searched an address. Popped up for me in Bris at this point. Not sure if it made a difference but I'd also updated both Maps and Uber apps today.

  • +1

    Works for me using google app in WA. Not a new user.

  • +2

    I have access to it, have used Uber in the past, WA.

  • Just curious, does anyone know if this is valid if you preorder your uber or more than once? 😀

  • +1

    Works for me too - VIC

  • Definitely targeted but great offer for those eligible.

  • +4

    "$20 off for booking through the maps app"
    Probably requires latest version of Maps which has been updated to include…
    Book and complete an Uber taxi entirely within Google Maps

    Without latest version, probably no offer.
    May explain different experiences

    • +1

      Agree with above. Update app and more likely to see it. May NOT be targeted after all

    • My app's updated, no offer.

      Can someone without an updated app without the $20 offer update their app and see if the $20 offer shows up?

      Or can someone without an updated app with the $20 offer tell us so we can rule out the updated app theory?

      • Uber Update was on Android. Stated below latest Apple version "does not mention Uber". Throw that Android/Apple app difference into the updated app theory😯

      • +2

        regular uber user. didn't have offer. updated maps. had offer.

        • On android?

        • @tghtarse: This was on iOS. I already had the offer appear on my wife's android phone, same uber account.

  • +3

    Shows up on mine - albeit I have hadn't a chance to test it yet. I am not a new user

  • Doesn't work on iPhone google map app, VIC :(

    • Me niether on iPhone VIC (App Store app doesn't mention the Uber update)

      • have you updated the app?

        • iOS and app on latest versions. =(

          Not a new Uber user either, so it could be that.

  • Is this a once off?

    • I'm guessing so. It asks to link your google account with your uber account. I reckon it'd only let you use it once.

      • When does this prompt arise?

  • +1

    i got it S7, google maps to bad im not going anywhere tonight :(

  • +1

    Showing up on my iPhone, Sydney. Existing user… thanks OP

  • Help needed, we have registered and i added the promo code but i am getting 15 USD instead of 20 AUD, we have also inserted Australian number.. how to fix this?

    • There's no promo code for this deal. It just appears in Google maps.

      • Actually there is, you can just use the GOOGLE promo code inside the Uber app.. it was confirmed and added to the account but its written as 15 USD

        • +4

          If I do that it says it's only for new users :(

  • Updated all my apps (Android), but the offer is not available to me. Oh well!

  • What will happen if my ride is under $20?

    • +2

      Will be free

    • +10

      A representative from Google will personally meet you at your residence/place of work and hand you a cheque for the difference.

  • +4

    I'm thinking to be eligible for you need your google maps linked to your associated uber email or gmail (Gmail is part of Google)?

    • +1

      Genius! I was logged on to a different email on my google maps and then I just linked it to the same email as uber and now I see the deal :)

  • +1

    Works for me in Victoria ! Thanks op

    • No worries mate. You beauty!

  • +2

    Cheers! Had to go to the bottle shop and it started pissing down. 1 free uber later and I've got a fresh carton

  • +1

    Must it be used at the time of request? Or can the offer be saved to my account?

  • Anyone got any idea whether I can use this on Sunday or is it just for the moment? Gotta move some stuff to new places on Sunday hence the question..

  • Earlier, I didn't get the offer. Checking back again I now have the offer. Thanks

    • Also note that this works overseas too:

      New Zealand - $25 off
      Singapore - $10 off
      United Kingdom - GBP 20 off
      United States - $15 off etc

      • +1

        time for a trip to the UK to get value

  • I used it earlier when I saw it today but hubby didnt get it (his accts are already linked). Got massively stuck in Vic CBD as we were just around the corner from the tragedy…Completely devestated for everyone affected :( The ride ending up taking twice as long as expected but was still free. Does uber charge by distance or time?

    • Both.

  • Where do you enter promo code? Inside Google map or Uber apps?

  • -1

    Who needs directions to their favourite bar?
    Me thinks this bar might be serving a lot of jugs.

    • I just used the example to give some free advertising to my favourite bar. But nobody looked at the photo and asked about OnTop bar.

      In reality, I can find it like a homing pigeon.

  • +1

    just updated google maps on iphone and got the offer (existing user) - thanks OP, will be using tomorrow!

  • iphone. apps already up to date. accounts logged in and linked. don't see deal. any ideas?

    • As mentioned above - apple version of Maps app has not been updated to link with Uber. Reported as working on latest version of Android.

  • Strange, i checked couple of hours ago and didn't see it but now i am (existing customer), i hope that it will stick for tomorrow.

  • +1

    I've got it too, any idea when it'll expire?

  • Wow. I wonder when this promo expire.

  • +1

    So good on my $39 fare last night

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