Just posting this here as a warning to those who may consider buying from this seller.
Ordered a tablet 3 weeks ago along with a protective cover. Received an email some time after that the cover had been sent but the tablet will be sent separately from another warehouse.
Then it went all quiet…..
Emailed them 3 times - Eventually came back saying 'don't worry..we've sent it… be patient…here's the tracking #'. They were of course referring to the protective cover but NOT the main item of the order (i.e Tablet). Noone had bothered to check the details.
Emailed again - No response.
Store Rep (here) said he'd help - He hasn't come back with anything after 10 days. Essentially he doesn't seem to have any additional leverage than an average customer.
Tried Live Chat 20 times - Yea right, never works
Tried calling again - After several attempts I got someone who mumbled something about Chinese new year. Just gave up as as I wasn't getting anywhere.
End result - I may be getting a cover (useless) with no tablet. No idea where/when/ever my tablet will arrive.
As someone who has purchased from Chinese sellers dozens of times I understand some of the quirks of the processes but this is the WORST I've come across.
I know GB is pretty active on here and I'm sure people have had good/bad experiences but just putting my experience out there as a WARNING. If it was a $2 item I wouldn't really care but $300+ is a major cause for concern. YMMV
It's not an uncommon experience - items often take weeks to come. I bought a Meizu phone towards the start of last year, and I recall it was during Chinese New Year and they gave that excuse as well. Took a few follow ups but finally came a few weeks later.
I think there's a user on here (Clear?) who works for them, and can help you follow things up with them.
After that experience though I've never bought from them again. I would recommend high rated sellers on Aliexpress like goldbuying - my experience with them has been stellar and my items arrived within 4-5 days with express shipping.