Please Help Me Find New Rice Cooker

My Tiger rice cooker has reached its end of life and I now desperately looking for a new one.

I'm not convinced that Japanese or Korean made rice cooker is better than Chinese.
Would you buy Japanese with keep warm only function for $200, or Chinese with fuzzy logic and can cook different type of rice for $120?

For the record, we cook rice about 2-3 times a week. Also I like to keep it warm for a long time, sometimes overnight (if i forgot).

Can you recommend a model for me?

I'm thinking of Panasonic SRZE105WSTM.

All help appreciated.


  • +1

    I have a Panasonic model very similar to what you are looking at. It is very good. Had it for 3 years, use it regularly, never missed a beat. I can definitely recommend.

    • Thanks man, can u tell me the model number of yours? Is it made in China? Also how often do u use it (e.g. twice a week, 2 cups each time)

      • I use mine 2-3 times a week 3-5 cups, keep warm for a few hours sometimes, but we use the timer function which means its ready to go when we need it.
        Still need to wash your rice so it doesn't burn on a keep warm.

  • -1

    i heard a brand called tiger is good

    • Yeah that is made in Japan, cheapest on eBay is at least $200 with keep warm only

  • ok get this one. all taiwanese i know in sydney own one at least, some has one spare!~…

  • I have this one: Panasonic Rice Cooker - SRDF101WST

    We are a couple living alone, use it all the time and it's always been great. No complaints at all. It is also cute and compact and doesn't take up too much bench space. My sister uses the same one for her family of three (couple + toddler).

  • Theres a Tiger dealer in Hurstville
    inside the HSBC building on Forest Rd
    They carry the entire range and are unbeatable on price afaik
    Japanese quality over Chinese any day.

    • How about Thai made?

      • they have thai and china made cookers as well
        but specialise in Japanese Tiger

        • I;m just wondering if Thai made rice cooker is good or not

        • @fm:
          havnt tried, still using my Tiger i bought 9 years ago

  • I have a Zojirushi Rice Cooker NS-LAQ05 which I bought in Singapore (Takashimaya) in 2011. It is extremely easy to clean, compact and gives perfectly cooked, fluffy rice every time. I use it 2-3 times a week and it still looks new.

    • Thanks for the input, I checked that this one is made in Thailand.
      I heard Japanese/Korean > Thailand (japan company) > Chinese

  • I have that Panasonic model, it is very good.
    Can get it for less than $100 on special on occasion.

    • Did the rice ever burnt on the bottom?
      I can't wait for special, sort of an emergency… Unfortunately…

      • only if you don't wash it properly on a keep warm function.
        otherwise if you use it straight away from cooking it wont burn.

        • Can you see if it is made in China or Thailand?


        • @fm: not at home, does it matter I guess.

        • @diddy50: I'm just wondering if Thai made rice cooker is good or not

  • +3

    My Tiger rice cooker is almost 20 years old, we use it at least twice a week. Its exterior colour has faded, you can barely see the 'flowers'…looks terrible. However, the inside is still fine, no sign of deterioration, still cooking beautiful rice time after time. (I've been waiting for this rice cooker to die, so I could get a better/newer looking one, but this thing just wouldn't die!)

  • Thank you all for contributing, I bought brc460 the rice box.

    I think Japanese rc are over priced, especially the keep warm only, this is due to the size for it to import.
    My dead tiger is six years old, and it doesn't have that good quality bowl that would warrant $200.

    Having said that i think the premium Japanese ones may be worth it, it costs $300-400, but seems none have the quality here in Australia.

    • First use was fantastic, it definitely beat my 6 years old tiger. It cooks better, has much more function, the bowl is better quality, etc.

      All the worry that made in China will disappoint now seems so yesterday.

    • That's what I have (and was going to suggest it). Bang for bucks it's excellent. I've been using mine since September and it's perfect every time. The Wife loves it because it makes congee.

  • Tiger, I think mine is about 4 years old. Not only do I cook rice it it but it also does steaming/slow cooks perfectly.

  • I bought a rice cooker yesterday at Kmart for $39. Haven't tried it yet. It has many of the tricks including:
    Delay start
    15 hours keep warm with keep warm time indication
    Auto stop cooking and then keep warm
    Steamer function with basket (plastic)
    White rice
    Brown rice
    Standard cook rate or fast cook
    8 cups of rice (IIRC)
    Teflon coated Aluminium bowl
    Measuring cup
    Locking lid

    • Wow very cheap, what brand?

    • If you remember to come back and post an update on your satisfaction with the Homebrand rice cooker in a few months, BobD, it would be much appreciated. My SIL is looking for something cheap but reliable. Thanks!

      • +1

        No guarantees for me to remember. If you remember it then feel free to message me and I'll provide an update.

        • How is the rice cooker going, 9 months later? Is the non-stick coating still intact?

          Also, where was it made, please. Kmart sometimes move manufacturing, might not be the same anymore.

        • I would also like to know how the $39 Kmart one goes. Been pretty happy with homemaker brand. $7 Kettle been going strong for several years. But the $20 10cup rice cooker died a couple of months ago :(

          So I was thinking of getting the Panasonic, until i noticed Kmart had a new model…

          personally It's worth it for me to spend more on a rice cooker, as I cook my lunches with it. Since I'm too lazy or busy to cook rice on a stove I end up buying or preparing a different meal which is always much more expensive than rice.

      • +1

        I got a Kmart Homemaker rice cooker 2 years ago, 10 cup capacity with a steamer insert that can go on top. It also flicks to keep warm after it's cooked. I can't fault it, and this is from being used once a week, sometimes twice. Cost was less than $20. That said, I was the rice properly first and also clean the cooker and bowl properly.

        • Thanks, Tim. I appreciate the feedback.

  • I have a Tiger one and we make rice everyday and we bought it about 17 years ago and still going strong

  • -3

    Your average pot should do the trick. Boil and stir for 20 mins

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