What Would Happen to My "Extras" Limit When I Switch Health Insurers?

Hi All,

Just had a question around what happens to your extras when you switch health insurers?

Currently with my parents on MediBank and have already used the optical limit to buy some prescription glasses.

If I switched over to aHM will this limit renew? I'm assuming no, but is there a way around this? i.e. If i wait the waiting period again?



  • -1

    Depends on the terms of joining the new provider, most have a waiting period for specifics items and no waiting period for others.

  • When you switch funds health insurers check what level of cover you previously had and how much of your limits you used. This is then used to work out what benefits (if any) are payable to you under your new fund. Funds also use this to work if any new waiting periods (for any higher benefits you may be covered for under the new cover) will apply to you.

    Also, note, that most funds work on a calendar year for limits, so if your parents reached their optical limit last calendar year, then they would be fine to go again this calendar year.

  • If you transfer the limit doesn't reset. Nothing stopping you from starting new with AHM though.

    • Ummm yes, the LHC loading would prevent most people over the age of 30 from starting anew. So unless OP is under 12 years old, it might not be a good deal for his/her parents to start anew!

      • He's only talking about extras…

        • Ahhh fair call … missed that bit! Still it might be over kill to forgoe your 12 month waiting period for major dental and pre-existing conditions just to claim a couple hundred bucks on optical….no? (on the proviso they have cover for major dental work)

    • AHM has an offer at the moment, waiving the waiting period. Thanks

  • When I switched providers my limit for physiotherapy, dental and chiropractic reset mid year, the health fund only carried over calendar year balances for major dental, orthodontics etc. Why not ask the new health fund?

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