• expired

Magnum Espresso Ice Cream 4 pack 50c (Coles, Darwin City)


Never had an espresso magnum before. I assume nobody else has either. That might be why there is a freezer shelf half full of them up the left back of the store. There is a little over double the amount pictured remaining.

Its obviously a hot f*#%in' in Darwin folks so go nuts!

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closed Comments

  • had one last week ($1.50/box).

    as a non coffee drinker I found the gooey centre around the stick extremely strong, the remainder had a subtle coffee flavour.

  • +2

    Its obviously a hot f*#%in' in Darwin folks so go nuts!

    You're not allowed to complain it's 37 in Canberra today :P

    • +2

      42 out west in Sydney. I swear this summer has been the worst. Thankfully I work in a nice air-con office.

    • Sure but how humid? Humidity is killer up here

    • +2

      I'll take 37-40 in Canberra anyday over Darwin's 30-33 with the humidity. Been here 10 years and i still hate it and also we have lovely and misunderstood youths running around our streets.

      • +1

        You can get acclimatised eventually. Just have to give up the air con and stick to it. Been here 15 years and now 10 without aircon. Bit cool last night , needed the sheet half way through the night.
        The youths will now stay on the streets now that they are to scared to put them behind bars. Typical government knee jerk reaction.

      • +1

        Haha I lived in Tindal for 5 years, I actually didn't mind it.

        I guess different strokes for different folks because this heat with the extremely hot wind is unbearable.

  • the other flavors are listed on their website for $8.79/box. 50c/box is a steal

  • According to google you guys have thunderstorms the next 6 days in Darwin. Lucky…

    • +11

      You've obviously not been to Darwin in summer.

      It's stinking hot all day, then it rains at about 3pm BUT THE TEMPERATURE DOESN'T GO DOWN. It just gets even more humid.

      • Yeah that's what I hate about the tropics… you can dry yourself off after a shower and you'd still be dripping wet.

      • But the breeze oh the breeze. I would take moisturised breeze anyday of the lifetime over dry hot breeze..rain wind is just so much better even in hot hot conditions cause of that fresh breeze.. Unless it is that one in five chance of the shitty hot but still somehow wet breeze.. Then fluck that fluck that with a knife and a bowling bowl

  • +1

    Anyone found these on special at other stores? Even $1.50 per box is great value.

    • No labels or stock in Canberra city store

  • +1

    hot f*#%in' in Darwin folks so go nuts!

  • Can anyone who works at Coles (or knows about how the signs are printed) comment on the dates on the price sign?
    There are two dates on it:

    Does that mean the deal started today and expires 14/3?

    • +1

      Just asked a mate who works there and was told that the "17/01" is the date of removal. The other date is probably the expiry/best before of the Ice Cream itself.

      So no, the deal would've started (and will end) today.

      • They don't put best before dates on tickets, especially since the stock is unlikely to all have the same date.

        17/1 would be the date it was printed, March date would be the day the special expires, but at 50c the stock would be lucky to see out the day.

  • Damn! Would of bought the whole lot.

  • +5

    Is Darwin having a population crisis or something? Because I'm tempted to fly up there for this deal.

    • +1

      Hmmm, I'm only 820km away from Darwin. I'll drive and see you up there this afternoon :)

      • +3

        No worries mate, just in time to see me walk out with all the Magnums :P

        • +3

          as long as they don't pop up on ebay, that's fair :)

  • $0.50c… That's just wrong! Here I am sitting on the beach at surfers Paradise with only a corona to keep me company wishing I had a magnum espresso! 31 degrees, slight onshore! That magnum sounds like just the ticket!!!

  • +5


    • +1

      Your puns make me melt.

      • +1

        i have to say your comments are pretty cool too

  • Store specific I'm assuming?

  • +1


  • 95% of OZB user base cant even "relate" with the Top End location

  • +2

    This proves that Darwin is a good city!

  • Darwin Vs Tassie/Hobart..

    Which end would you choose?

    • +1

      Lived in both, currently in Darwin. I would chose Darwin though Hobart does have Taj Palace which is the maddest restaurant we have been at but has the most amazing Indian food.

    • +2

      Darwin for sure, dry season is the best.

      • And we pay the price for it now.

    • Darwin! I love the heat and the proximity to Asia is awesome

  • +3

    These are my favourite icecream of all time and I think they're discontinuing them, explains why they're so cheap :(

    • +1

      Ikr.. Jesus at 50c a box i might just have to take the whole lot and walk through all of town like a broden ignoring eye contact with all the people i meet a long the way

      • +3

        Props to you if you make it down the street in one piece lol

        • +1

          TWD ice cream style

  • Finally a deal for Darwin


  • Ripper of a deal, I envy you Darwin (never thought I'd say that).

    • You must enjoy winters, poor fishing and cheap alcohol.

  • All gone as of yesterday arvo. A little while ago another Coles had the peanut butter ones for $2 butnoticed that was store specific.

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