Good morning OzB's,
Can someone please help me understand something which should be very simple…?
I'm looking to make a purchase from Amazon using my new Citibank Plus card (which has not arrived yet, just getting ahead of myself) and I will perform the transaction using the GBP to avoid Amazon's horrible international rate.
Should I be using the 'Buy' or 'Sell' rate used on this page:…
As far as I understand, it should just be "Price in $AUD = GBP*'buy/sell rate'".
Thanking you in advance :)
You should be using neither. That link links to the rates you'll be using if you did a wire transfer with the account.
Depending on whether the card you get is a visa or mastercard, you'll be getting the rates that visa/mastercard use. The original Citibank Plus debit card was a visa, but I believe its changing to mastercard.
The following links will give better ideas on what rate you'll get: