Harvey Norman Fortitude Valley are selling xbox 360 arcades for $138. Just purchased one from Brisbane (queens street HN), got them to price match.
Comes with no games, one controller and all the usual cables (and is hdmi)
Harvey Norman Fortitude Valley are selling xbox 360 arcades for $138. Just purchased one from Brisbane (queens street HN), got them to price match.
Comes with no games, one controller and all the usual cables (and is hdmi)
any photo's of the box & receipt ro something?
I just called the FV store and he said they were selling it for $176, but then double checked in the system and confirmed that they've sold 4 for $138 in the past few days. He said that other HN stores should price match and if not, to give them a call and they can check their sales history.
Thanks, i tried to upload the receipt but got an error message. Heres the link. Sorry its upside down :) http://upload.ozbargain.com/2010/07/20/4138_img-7211521-0001…
is it just me or is the price on that receipt 161.95? cant see any mention of 138…
sorry, 1st copy didnt show all of the receipt
ahh second figure is discount from rrp amount… nice.
I can't get that PDF to open.
"Insufficient data for image"
So HN stores in other states should price match too?
cant find any deals on xbox in sydney :(
$198 Xbox 360 Elite !!!!! Thats a Deal !!!
Most HN stores in VIC have this deal for the Arcade.
really? which stores? do you have a receipt (if you bought one)? would help me alot!
So for Xbox 360 newbies whats the difference between this model that they are clearing stock off and the new model that will start selling next month http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/07/kinect-official-1… ?
Do you know when the new xbox will be selling here in Australia?
Its already out at $388
so what's this "new model that will start selling next month"? The link says it'll hit stores on August 3rd for $200 (in the US). I suppose that'd be the new Arcade version?
Would you say its worth an extra $60 for 2 games + 120gb hdd?
yes, the HDD makes things so much easier such as installing games and not having to worry about space for download stuff.
Harvey Norman are funny. Apparently the valley are no longer doing this (only valid on the weekend), and the
aspley store wouldn't price match. However they did accept it at Everton Park with the receipt someone posted here. Me and some other guy (also from ozbargain) got the last two, but you may be lucky at other stores if you show the receipt.
BTW if anyone is interested MFD is March 2010, so not j-taggable :( But at $138 you can't really complain.
We got 2 more today from Queen Street. The guy in charge of consoles (a bigger middle eastern gentlemen) said they will only do the price up to and including tomorrow
Taylors Lakes (Vic) HN had zero interest at all, for both the Arcade or Elite (I even had the receipts). They gave me their usual line about being a franchise and only selling things at the price in the catalogue - they wouldn't price match.
screw them then, make sure they don't get any of your business in the future… make sure it costs them not to match prices!
i think they'd be making more money by not selling to us price-matching bargain-hunters. :)
yeah, but one extra product sold is still even 10 extra dollars in their pocket… (as long as they have the stock)
1) It means i go elsewhere for the product
2) it means i go elsewhere before going to them again in the future.
3) It means that the competition gets my money.
selling stuff in a capitalist market is not only about making money, its about stopping your competitors so they don't! its about volume so you can purchase at a lower price.
its in there best intrest to sell as long as there is some profit, and enough stock to go around.
i vote with my cash. if they don't want it, plenty of others do, and will bend over for it!
@wisc: You're assuming they're selling it at $10 over landed cost.
If they have to pricematch another company who managed to get a better deal or have lower overheads (no large fancy store with expensive fitouts, lots of staff, and high electricity costs), they could be either selling at a loss, or selling at landed cost, not making them anything. They might as well wait for the next person to come along who would blindly pay sticker price and make more money off them - and there are plenty of them… how else does HN survive after all?
These are xboxes, someone else will buy them at $168/$197.
Bargain hunters are bargain hunters. We would rarely ever pay full price for an item, so shops like HN barely have anything to lose by turning us away. I'm quite sure they prefer less-informed people who'd blindly pay higher prices for items.
Would you try to bargain down the price on a new rolls-royce? No, because if they don't sell it to you at the cheaper price you want, they could easily just sell it to the guy behind you at full price. If there are lots of 'suckers' out there, they'd have little reason to please us. (RR was used as an example as they're expensive and there's a waiting list of people who want them)
(keep in mind that i'm talking about an xbox being sold at $138, which could very well be under or near their landed cost, not some other overpriced item with very large margins)
@eug: ill pay that… damn second time today someones got me with good points…
i agree if its under cost and supply outstrips demand..
and stores have been known to do that just to get rid of stock…
a lot of the time they look at the total buy price of all the units, and use the cash they got for the more expensive ones to subsidies the ones they have to sell off at a bargain.
ill leave you with one though "floorspace does cost money…"
ill leave you with one though “floorspace does cost money…”
It'll be fun when the new arcade S comes out :P
I'm sure in a perfect retail world HN would only have new 360 S in stock making the consumer choice very simple.
@wisc: I actually asked here when the new 360 arcade will be out in australia cos I intend to check out HN a few days before to see if they're gonna be flogging the old ones off real cheap by then.. assuming they haven't fully sold out.
Once the new 360 arcade stock comes in, the old 360's floorspace will definitely become more valuable. :)
price match within HN itself? thats quite funny. haha
edit: does it come with any bundles? controllers, games etc?