After being without power for a few hours recently one evening, I am looking for advice to improve my emergency lighting options. My goal is to ensure that I've got at least enough light to manage with two young children for a couple of days if necessary. This would include light for settling, changing nappies, managing evening and night-time medication, cooking, eating etc.
Currently, my main emergency lighting is a 4xAA Nitecore torch with ikea LADDAs as my main torch, mobile phone flashlight apps, hiking headlamps and a stack of candles. I figure that ideally I would have a lantern or two suitable for (dimly) lighting a family room, bedroom or kitchen and a collection of small torches. While I'm gradually updating my rechargable battery collection to LSD, most aren't.
There seems to be a range of solar powered options available, but these would be useless if we initially lose power at night or in the evening before they could charge. Online reviews of the hand crank options don't appear very flattering. Therefore, I am considering something like this: Coleman Lithium Ion. What is the shelf-life of a charged Li-Ion battery like? Has anyone here got a better suggestion? What about solar powered options in case I'm without power for more than 24 hours?
Also, I've missed out on most of the small torch deals last year and am hoping that fellow Ozbargainers might have some recommendations, even if I have to pay slightly more than when the torch was last listed here?
Last time I had a blackout I used some of my photography gear. I placed one of these on a cheap light stand like this
The good thing about the light is that is is dimmable so you won't blind your baby. It takes regular AA batteries and I always have charged eneloops on hand.