At Woolies as well:-…
Bet you never thought you would see discounting on Bellamy's formula in your lifetime. I barely used to see it at all on the shelves once the Chinese backpackers had cleaned it all out. Sure its not a huge discount, but just think Chinese tiger moms were paying $50+ for this exact same stuff like three months ago.
Apparently Bellamy's thought that they could cut out the daigou, the Chinese go-betweens who ferry the tins to their customers overseas and who basically made Bellamy's brand in China. This prompted the daigou to dump Bellamy's completely leaving the company with a glut of stock on their hands.
This is what happens when a bunch of Tasmanians think that they are smarter than the Chinese. Now the daigou are pushing A2 milk powder instead.
To quote Kipling:-
"At the end of the fight lies a tombstone white with the name of the dear deceased;
and the epitaph drear: 'A fool lies here, who tried to hustle the East'"
read more here…
I've got an even better deal, Bellamy's for 70% off here:…