Straw Man - Myth or Fact

I stumbled on the term "straw man" a couple of weeks ago. Further info can be found on

Certainly sounds too good to be true - just some effort & your debts can be wiped off.

All you financial boffins on Ozbargain, is this a myth or fact?


  • +4

    If it is on the interwebs, it must be true.

  • +1

    Dealing With The Police Years ago, a policeman was your friend and defender. Things have changed now that Police Forces have become commercial organisations, dedicated to producing a profit by taking money from you in the form of Fixed Penalty Notices, Speeding Fines, Parking Fines and any number of other charges. It was stated on national TV this morning that in the last thirteen years, three thousand additional offences have been invented.

    As each individual Police Force is a commercial company, in a way, not unlike a McDonalds Restaurant in strategy, it has no authority to enforce anything, any more than a McDonalds has. The men and women who work under the banner of their local Police Force have two separate roles. When they take up their occupation, they take an oath of office, pledging to uphold the law. That oath, and nothing else, gives them the authority to act to enforce Common Law - that is, the few things which are listed near the start of the "Legalese" section of this web site. It does not authorise them to do anything connected with so-called "government" statutes and so they have been trained to use Legalese to entrap uninformed members of the public. To be fair, it is highly likely that members of the police force are not aware of what they are doing and do not understand the difference between "legal" statutes (which are optional) and the "lawful" Common Law requirements which apply to everyone and are not optional.


  • +2

    Like any delusional manifesto, it contains elements of truth (IE: Corporatisation of Government entities run like businesses, for profit) but the larger swath of text is a clumsy fabrication.

    • I agree. The problem with it that I notice is that it has a leap of faith in determining that statute is optional and only common law is important. My understanding of Australian legal structures is that statute overrides common law and it isn't optional. Main thing is, in the NSW constitution for instance, the start basically says that parliament has the right to pass whatever law it so chooses (with exception to powers ceded to the federal government).

      And in any case, the government is also the entity which has ensured its access to force, and power structures to project that force. That's why police officers and militaries are equipped with firearms, and why they ultimately exist. At the most basic level, might is right, laws are all worthless/pointless if they can't be enforced; so the reverse is also true, if you can project the force, you also get to make the rules…

  • +2

    Sovereign Citizen rubbish. Ignore and ridicule at your leisure.

  • +1

    Certainly sounds too good to be true - just some effort & your debts can be wiped off.


    But only works for those too young to know and those too old to remember

    Ants get squashed when elephants dance, and they have no recourse by saying they were there first.

    So if you like being squashed then show us how you dance.

  • +5

    I'll have to wait until I get home from work to read this, I left my tin foil hat on the kitchen table!

    • LOL

  • -1

    The "Tin foil hat" is strong with the person who created this site. I really think he/she should go back on their meds.

  • +4

    I think this comes back to the question of the authority under which laws are passed and enforced, and under which our society is governed.

    What authority does the police and government have to tax us, fine us or jail us? Well, it is under the authority of "the state". And who is the state? We are the state and we elect representatives to the government whom we task with governing well in the interest of the good functioning and order of society, so that we may have freedom, prosperity and peace.

    As soon as people start to undermine or challenge this authority then that's when you get things like terrorists and general selfishness manifested through fraud and tax evasion.

    If you want to have a free-for-all with no rules and authorities, you'd probably have a society with no law and order. You would have abundant murder and theft, and no supermarkets, hospitals or infrastructure (e.g. roads/airports/internet). You'd also probably have poverty and scarce food.

  • Sick of hearing this nonsense.

    Still remember the copper that demonstrated extreme patience with an idiot that was declining a breath test under this nonsense. Me, I would have dragged him out of the car and put him in cuffs.

    • Same. The guy was arguing constitutional law with a copper not trained in it and was getting it completely wrong himself.

  • +1

    Mate, honestly, what do you think?

    I stopped reading as soon as I saw the words "Houses of Parliament" in sarcastic quotes.

    LOL okay so I just read a few more lines… "Every Mortgage and Loan is FULLY REPAID from day one - you can pay it again if you want to, but you don't have to !!"

    So what, the bank is just gonna give you 500k+? And you're entitled to keep it?

    Come on mate, you've got better ways to spend your time.

  • !remindme 20 years when the sheeple wake up /s /s /s /s

  • What a world we live in. The internet - a forum for every crackpot idea.
    One should be challenging governments when their own self interest is overriding the good of the people they serve. The allowance rorts are an example of this, preferential treatment for their mates is another. At its best Government looks after the least able to look after themselves, ensures equality of opportunity and doesn't make judgements on the lifestyles of consenting adults. (Different if kids are involved.) At its worst it is a special interest club for power hungry, selfish, self righteous morons. Unfortunately we seem to be getting more of the latter rather than the former; however, society seems to be going that way as well.

  • Comparing against the ancient greeks direct democracy model, we are in either a corruption of that, or more correctly a dictatorship in my view.
    When we can all vote equally on all matters of our locale, including whether inheritance, title, law, land ownership, education, economic and political systems, which are currently dictated to us, I will consider police, finance, politics etc to be authorised by the people. Currently they are just getting away with it for the upper class/elite.

    • Just want to add that an international speaker named Gordon Maxwell talked about the USA version of this stuff in one of his videos.
      One of his points being about compulsory birth certificate registration in US (No choice). And another point, when you are born the banking industry creates an entity which is in the same name as yours, but in capitol letters. Legally you are not obligated for this entity whatsoever, but it is used to deal with you unknowingly by the banks. He stated a lot about your real rights when dealing with law, courts, fines, maritime law etc, much the same as strawman does.

    • People are idiots and you want them in charge in deciding legislation? The vast majority of people would either be completely uninterested in laws or completely bamboozled by them. How much time do you really want to sit there debating the finer points of legislation? I do legislative interpretation all day in my job and I'm trained for it and it's still painful.

      This is why we have the system we do. We vote in someone to represent us to make those decisions on our behalf. However, the representative will not always have the same ideas as you. They have to represent a lot of people who all have different ideas. Which is why we have a proportional voting system. We end up with a person who is most favoured by the majority of people. The main reason we have a 2 party system in this country is because people continue to vote for them.

  • +1

    The problem with the Internet these days is that opinion gets confused as fact. What is the difference between an opinion and a fact? How do you determine something is a proven and testable fact and not simply a sensible (or not) sounding, but unproven idea? Ask yourself these questions OP.

  • Is the OP trolling?

    • +1

      Def not trolling.

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